"0"; _ltk.SCA.Persistent.changeQty(lastClickedSku, newQty); /**** Checkout page cart modifications ****/ myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json"); let properSpecs = []; var fullName = addrBlockTrimmed[0].trim(); // minus button on cart "Specifications": JSON.stringify(properSpecs) - Sculpture by Dream on Ventures $749.99 $1,100.00 Free shipping Sale Sculpture by Dream on Ventures "MSRPPrice": msrpPrice, var firstName = fullName.split(' ').slice(0, -1).join(' '); Experience the pleasure of long-term comfort and charm with our durable, stylish designs that will bring years of enjoyment. redirect: 'follow' var loginInput = document.getElementById('signupEmail')?.id; /**** E-mail capture abandonment ****/ _ltk.Order.OrderNumber = orderId; var qty = $(this).find('.cart-item__price-wrapper > .cart-item__price-sku.quantity__holder').first().text(); }); ]/g, ""); Make your patio or backyard the perfect spot to enjoy all year round with Jacobs Custom Living. var subTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__total"] > span:contains("Total")').next().text() This piece will deliver pleasure each and every time you look at it. Unlike thin posters and paper prints, gicle canvas artwork offers the texture, look and feel of fine-art paintings. _ltk.SCA.Persistent.changeQty(lastClickedSku, newQty); /**** Browse abandonment ****/ let imgUrl = $("meta[property='og:image']")?.attr("content") ?? let host = window.location.host; _ltk.Order.ItemTotal = itemTotal; _ltk.Order.SetCustomer(emailAddress, firstName, lastName); .catch(error => console.log('error', error)); if (skuSpan.length > 0) { await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 2000)); if (checkoutInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(checkoutInput); // minus button on cart _ltk.Order.SetCustomer(emailAddress, firstName, lastName); _ltk.Order.AddItem(sku, qty, price); getProductInfo(); ]/g, "")); if (i % 2 == 0 && i + 1 <= specs.length) { }); myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json"); var orderId = $('h3:contains(\'Order Receipt\')').text().replace('Order Receipt #', ''); specs.push($(this).text().trim()) "ProductId": productId, }); for (let i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) { //_ltk.Order.Submit(); } console.log(sku + ' ' + qty + ' ' + price); headers: myHeaders, (function (d, tid, vid) { getProductInfo(); function getProductInfo() { /**** Browse abandonment ****/ "0"; var productName = $("meta[property='og:title']").attr("content"); ]/g, ""); let featureBullets = []; // Get all product images from page var checkoutInput = document.getElementById('emailAddress')?.id; }); All of Jacobs Custom Living patio furniture comes with long lasting warranties that promise many years of memoriable patio seasons. let currentPrice = $(".product-details__price-holder > div")[0]?.innerText ?? img = "https://www.thedump.com" + img; allImgs.push($(this).attr('href')); var itemTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Subtotal")').next().text() d.querySelector('head').appendChild(js); $(document).on('click', '.quantity__increment', async function () { }); _ltk.Order.HandlingTotal = 0; /**** Cart abandonment ****/ Unlike thin posters and paper prints, gicle canvas artwork offers the texture, look and feel of fine-art paintings. "0"; // 'remove' link on cart qty = parseInt(qty.replace(/[^0-9. sendProductInfo(); _ltk.SCA.Submit(); var fullName = addrBlockTrimmed[0].trim(); }) _ltk.Order.OrderTotal = subTotal; ]/g, "")); }); sendProductInfo(); var qty = $("input[name='quantity']").val(); var sku = $(this).find('.cart-item__attribute-wrapper > div:contains("SKU") > span').text(); if (!alertShown) { Thats on us. .then(result => console.log(result)) _ltk.SCA.Persistent.addItem(sku, qty, price, productName, img, url); var checkoutInput = document.getElementById('emailAddress')?.id; "MSRPPrice": msrpPrice, if (skuSpan.length > 0) { "0"; May 29, 2019 - Explore Jessica Jacobs's board "Furniture", followed by 308 people on Pinterest. })(document, 'Gda5AkkHG37V', '1'); let host = window.location.host; // minus button on cart qty = parseInt(qty.replace(/[^0-9. $(document).on('click', 'a.cart-item__remove', function () { }) var footerInput = document.querySelector('[id^="newsletterSubscribeEmail"]')?.id; let properSpecs = []; await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500)); /**** E-mail capture abandonment ****/ method: 'POST', _ltk.SCA.Persistent.changeQty(lastClickedSku, newQty); _ltk.Order.TaxTotal = taxTotal; for (let i = 0; i < specs.length; i++) { var lastName = fullName.split(' ').slice(-1).join(' '); Great art deserves to be on canvas! _ltk.SCA.Persistent.removeItem(lastClickedSku, amountToRemove); $(document).on('click', '.quantity__increment', async function () { }); currentPrice = currentPrice.replace(/[^0-9. redirect: 'follow' productJson = JSON.stringify({ var itemTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Subtotal")').next().text() lastClickedSku = $(this).closest('div.cart-item').find('.item-info > span').text(); // plus button on cart ""; _ltk.Order.TaxTotal = taxTotal; ""; var amountToRemove = _ltk.SCA.Persistent.getItem(lastClickedSku).qty; Most beautiful Table I have seen. var taxTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Tax")').next().text() // Get specifications var isProductPage = document.getElementsByClassName('product-details__sku').length > 0; _ltk.SCA.Persistent.removeItem(lastClickedSku, amountToRemove); } Proudly made in the USA, our stretched canvas, framed gicle and wall plaques are created with only the highest standards. var newQty = _ltk.SCA.Persistent.getItem(lastClickedSku).qty - 1; $('ul.dropdown-menu li').on("click", async function () { /**** Order Conversions ****/ _ltk.Order.ShippingTotal = shippingTotal; let productId = $(".product-details__sku > span")[0].innerText; window.onload = function captureProduct() { await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)); qty = parseInt(qty.replace(/[^0-9. var lastName = fullName.split(' ').slice(-1).join(' '); _ltk.SCA.Submit(); getProductInfo(); var orderId = $('h3:contains(\'Order Receipt\')').text().replace('Order Receipt #', ''); This wall art looks down a dirt road lined with trees and fence rows, with a red barn and white farmhouse on the right. method: 'POST', $(".product-specifications__list-item > div").each(function (index) { let properSpecs = []; var requestOptions = { "Specifications": JSON.stringify(properSpecs) let myHeaders = new Headers(); var price = $(this).find('.cart-item__price-wrapper > .cart-item__price-sku').last().text(); // 'yes' button on modal confirming removal var price = $(this).find('.cart-item__price-wrapper > .cart-item__price-sku').last().text(); featureBullets.push($(this).text()); ]/g, ""); var loginInput = document.getElementById('signupEmail')?.id; lastClickedSku = $(this).closest('div.cart-item').find('.item-info > span').text(); if (typeof _ltk != 'undefined') return; var js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = 'ltkSDK'; Shop sofas, couches, sectionals, recliners, and more. if (signUpInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(signUpInput); /**** Checkout page cart modifications ****/ Great art deserves to be on canvas! } /**** E-mail capture abandonment ****/ properSpecs.push(specs[i] + ":" + specs[i + 1]); if (typeof _ltk != 'undefined') return; var js = d.createElement('script'); js.id = 'ltkSDK'; if (!alertShown) { From $69.99 $98.96. You trust a brand that buys the latest sectionals direct, at closeout prices, (for reasons that have nothing to do with quality or desirability). var taxTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Tax")').next().text() specs.push($(this).text().trim()) More for VA. Help Financing Find a Store Shop Our Deals Southside - Richmond, VA 23917 0 Living Room Mattresses Bedroom Dining Office Rugs Last Chance Reduction Flooring (function (d, tid, vid) { var productJson = ""; }); let imgUrl = $("meta[property='og:image']")?.attr("content") ?? _ltk.Order.HandlingTotal = 0; price = price.replace(/[^0-9. "0"; ]/g, ""); var requestOptions = { if (loginInput != null) _ltk.SCA.CaptureEmail(loginInput); Picture this, a top-grain leather or crisp-hemp eco-friendly LiveSmart EVOLVE fabric on a Jessica Jacobs in Motion sofa complete with two power recliners, power headrests, reclining controls, and a USB charging port in each outer-arm push control panel. } sendProductInfo(); _ltk.SCA.Submit(); let currentPrice = $(".product-details__price-holder > div")[0]?.innerText ?? No games. var footerInput = document.querySelector('[id^="newsletterSubscribeEmail"]')?.id; // Get all bullets under features Jacobs Custom Living delivery team does all the work while you relax! let msrpPrice = $(".product-details__price-other > span")[0]?.innerText ?? allImgs.push($(this).attr('href')); ]/g, ""); _ltk.Order.ShippingTotal = shippingTotal; }); .then(response => response.text()) var shippingTotal = $('div[class*="order-summary__line"] > span:contains("Delivery")').next().text() . You decide on the style, color, and fabric. ""; /**** Cart abandonment ****/ var url = $("meta[property='og:url']").attr("content"); $(document).on('click', 'a.cart-item__remove', function () { qty = parseInt(qty.replace(/[^0-9. js.src = "https://cdn.listrakbi.com/scripts/script.js?m=" + tid + "&v=" + vid;
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