Evidence-Based Medicine Supports the Practice of the Art of Medicine by Dr. Peter McCullough | Jul 4, 2022 | Health, Politics. For those at moderate and above risk, it is reasonable to choose one oral antiviral (hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Paxlovid, molnupiravir) and consider combining it with an intracellular antibiotic (e.g., doxycycline or azithromycin) to cover concomitant atypical organisms and superimposed bacterial bronchitis. When COVID-19 arrived in March, he felt a duty to find a treatment for the disease. I always make sure people that are ill have access to that so they can have a quick reference when they are sick and not thinking clearly. Early Treatment. They usually combine what he refers to as "sequenced multidrug therapy." Treatment regimens consist of a "neutriceutical bundle (Vitamins D and C, plus zinc and quercetin), either hydochloroquine (used extensively to treat . 2020 Dec 30;21(4):517-530. doi: 10.31083/j.rcm.2020.04.264. The most significant overarching issue here relates to if and how each of these intrigues connect back or forward to Now that the pandemic is winding down and we have lost yet another chance to think outside of the big pharma box to solve our healthcare problems, let us have a frank discussion about the power of simple, yet very effective hygiene. In a complicated illness such as COVID-19, a definitive outpatient randomized trial would take ~20,000 patients in order to discern an impact of a therapy on the outcomes of hospitalization or death. For detailed descriptions of products and solutions please visit one of several websites to get this practical information. Austin, TX, August 26, 2020 Respected Dallas cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine Dr. Peter McCullough, has written an article "providing clear guidance to physicians on how to treat COVID-19 at home to prevent hospitalizations and death.". Dr Peter McCullough lecture on the State of COVID treatment. Dr. Peter McCullough, is recovering well after being diagnosed with coronavirus in October 2020. This and 22 other studies show waning vaccine efficacy over 3-6 months for all vaccines against all variants. How listed doctors practice or any other aspect of the doctor-patient relationship. The selection of a physician should be made by you after careful consideration. . Neither of these scenarios has played out in the first several years of the pandemic. and the therapeutic efficacy of favipiravir: a structured summary of a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. There are more concerns that I've raised. I like to demonstrate this for friends who are still bamboozled by the germ-theory propaganda the drug business uses to make people think their health is diminished by invisible demons that float through the air and can only be exorcised by their magic potions. I use povidone iodine nasal spray. After doing so much for us all, for humanity, these past years. Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas, USA. The current Omicron infection is characteristically mild with limited pulmonary and systemic involvement. He has dozens of peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has extensively commented on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill, America Out Loud, NewsMax, One America News, Victory Channel, NTD, and FOX NEWS Channel. one glass water = 250-300 ml. Adding insult to injury, Obiden appointed Fauci the guy who started the pandemic, to begin with to represent the US at the WHO and make the American taxpayer the biggest funder of, by Dr. Paul Alexander | Feb 28, 2023 | Health, Politics. PMID: 33792243 To Help The People Who Are HurtEspecially The Children 3. One doctor who is spreading the truth is Dr. Peter McCullough. Thus, the oral antiviral box is next in the treatment protocol, and there are a variety of choices for the doctor and patient to settle upon. Joe Rogan and Dr. McCullough have a comprehensive discussion about COVID-19, the controversy of hydroxychloroquine, vaccination, and much much more. As a general rule, day 1-3 is the golden window for initiation of early treatment, 4-6 agents are required, and the duration of therapy can be as short as 5 and as long as 30 days depending on the circumstances. The video above, 1 featuring cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, is packed with sound logic, data and action steps that have the potential to turn the pandemic around if only more people would listen. for viral load. Video on His Treatment Publication: October 11, 2020, see video of Dr. McCullough providing a critical update: Ambulatory Treatment of COVID-19. The opinions expressed on the website(s), and the opinions expressed on the radio shows and podcasts, are the opinions of the show hosts and do not necessarily represent the opinions, beliefs, or policies of anyone or any entity we may endorse. Front Line Doctors Ivermectin Protocol for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 (November 2022), 12 Natural Treatments for COVID Long Haulers (2023), The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance's (FLCCC's). Dr. McCullough recommends routine use of this mouthwash on a daily basis, and especially after contact with large indoor groups. Segment 5- Vaccine Efficacy Dr. McCullough examines a recent study involving 780,000 VA Veterans. PMID: 34966165; PMCID: PMC8725339. 2020 Dec 30;21(4):517-530. doi: 10.31083/j.rcm.2020.04.264. In this rapid review of the McCullough Protocol during the inaugural week of "Courageous Discourse" we finish with the full protocol itself and have some focused comments on the use of nutraceuticals and prescription drugs specifically for the current Omicron after wave. PMID: 33387997. Three Years, Hundreds of Millions of Patients, So Many Ways to Treat by Dr. Peter McCullough | Oct 1, 2022 | Health, Politics. Dr. McCullough has 46 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in The Hill and on FOX NEWS Channel. Principles are 1) nasal solutions should be comfortable and not sting with sufficient dilution, 2) sniffed far back into the sinuses and then spit out through the mouth (often causes coughing or mild choking), done at least twice per nostril per session, 3) oral gargles should be for 30 seconds and then spit out. Alan Jones is a professional and a nice man, so he gave Dutton a second chance, directly asking him where he thinks this 'black sovereignty' and Lidia Thorpe fit into the Prime Minister's vision for the Voice. He's an internist, he's a cardiologist and he's an epidemiologist. Second typically the physician is able to see you the same day or the next day, and the pharmacy typically sees you within 24 hours of that. by Dr. Peter McCullough | Feb 28, 2023 | Education, Health, Politics, The McCullough Report with Dr. Peter McCullough With the absence of human data and mutations to BQ and XBB, the BA4/BA5 bivalent vaccines have been viewed as obsolete without a compelling indication and no safety assurances. Also, I would suggest you download a dosing calculator or bookmark one. The social programming and heavy cultural influence make it very difficult for black people to leave the cult of the left and align their political views with their professed values. Dr. Peter McCullough is staying true to his message that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) can be defeated with early treatment - not vaccines - despite being relentlessly attacked by Big Pharma. So, I help it clean house by fasting: I stop putting food in it and only consume water. The current Omicron infection is characteristically mild with limited pulmonary and systemic involvement. | Feb 28, 2023 | Elections, Politics, The Tom Renz Show I am calling for an investigation into the justice system. All rights reserved. From the very first patient with the novel coronavirus to those falling ill at this time, outpatient physicians and mid-level providers are bolstered by Article 37 of the 2013 Declaration of Helsinki which essentially says that unproven interventions may be used after informed consent when in the doctors judgment it offers hope of saving life, re-establishing health or alleviating suffering. Conclusive randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled trials of outpatient multidrug regimens are not forthcoming. Dr. Peter McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas, USA. Lancet Respir Med. Also, Pig-a gene mutation in RBCs seems to be less accurate than measuring gene mutations in reticulocytes (RET) (immune red blood cells). Download the protocols that we're going to go over. I am 78. 1,2 The concept was that there are three overlapping phases of SARS-CoV-2 infection: [iii] If bedbound, immobile, or tendency for blood clotting, then anticoagulation with low-molecular weight heparin by injection or oral anticoagulants is prudent. Many of the doctors listed are often referred to as Lyme Literate Physicians/Doctors (LLMD). Rather, ambulatory treatment of COVID-19 has evolved relying on clinical judgement and the use of drugs with a signal of benefit and acceptable safety in line with the 21st Century Cures Act. Beyond these principles the remainder of the McCullough Protocol can be stylized to the patient and their particular history and symptoms with the goal of ameliorating the intensity and duration of symptoms and by that mechanism, reducing the risk of hospitalization or death. Use promo code . "Regarding:"Hydroxychloroquine: a comprehensive review and its controversial role in coronavirus disease 2019"." Annals of . Referral Contact Form. (Amazon), Amazon Basic Care Premium Saline Nasal Moisturizing Spray, Pre-hospital use of Corticosteroids in COVID-19, Miraculous Recovery of Hypoxemic COVID-19 Patients with Ivermectin, Paxlovid (Pfizer) vs Ivermectin vs Molnupiravir (Merck), Dr Peter McCullough Early Treatment Protocol (December 2022), America's Frontline Doctors Early Treatment Protocol and Contact a Physician 2023, How to Make Povidone Iodine 1% Nasal Spray, Find a Doctor to prescribe Paxlovid, Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Early Outpatient Treatments, Quercetin and Zinc: Zelenko Treatment Protocol, FLCCC I-CARE COVID Treatment Protocol for Outpatients (2023). But it isn't just the sudden deaths it's the massive spikes in myocarditis, autoimmune disorders, cancers, infertility, and so much more. With that said, here is what Dr. McCullough had to say about the six things to keep in your medical toolbox: Everybody needs to know where these monoclonal antibodies infusions are. Naturally, there's a video, and naturally it's on Rumble: by Rogier Fentener van Vlissingen | Feb 27, 2023 | Health, Politics. coronavirus to get ahead of the virus and prevent PMID: 33387997. Rarely do doctors need to prescribe heparin or other blood thinners unless a large blood clot is identified. Early treatment using this approach is associated with a 71% improvement, Prepare to deal with hospital threats, You will die if you leave. It is YOUR choice whether to risk death in hospital or risk death at home with family. The notion of keeping an open mind has been branded a noble idea. However, some of the providers included do not specifically treat Lyme and TBD but see patients who have symptoms associated with Lyme and TBD to address those specific symptoms. The End of Autocracy in America Look in the Mirror, Joe! The community standard of care for COVID-19 was developed by doctors in the field who learned how to treat the infection using their clinical judgement and available sources of evidencenot by government agencies, state medical boards, or royal colleges of physicians. . Mary Beth Pfeiffer was a single-issue Chronic Lyme Disease alarmist before 'ticks' led her to 'Ivermectin' which led to Covidiocy, and now she's sliding down the helter-skelter of Vaccine Concern. While our government agencies perseverated on masking, social distancing, lockdowns, and hand sanitizer, they ignored advancements in keeping the nasal passages and throat protected from SARS-CoV-2 with these simple affordable counter-measures. I was blessed to have him on my show. Rev Cardiovasc Med. It is a guide to how to react if you become ill. PMID: 34051877; PMCID: PMC8159193. Dr Peter McCullough: Courageous Doctors Could Have Saved Millions. Peter McCullough is being harassed. They claimed Soros just endorsed Florida governor Ron DeSantis. Thus, there is a wonderful opportunity to reduce viral replication, in fact, kill viruses with agents directly applied in the nasal cavity and the back of the throat. | Feb 26, 2023 | Education, Faith, Politics. McCullough recommends A Guide to Home-Based COVID Joe was speaking about himself. PMID: 34051877; PMCID: PMC8159193. mortality drug league table below. America Out Loud is the premier news network with a diverse array of talk shows that inform and inspire. ; Vice Chief of Internal Medicine: Baylor University Medical Center; Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas, TX; Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute, Dallas, TX; Baylor Jack and Jane Hamilton Heart and Vascular Hospital, Dallas, TX. In the event that the Doctor Referral System contains no Lyme or TBD resource listings in a given area, the closest possible option(s) will populate based on the zip code entered and category/ies selected. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Covid Treatment Dr Peter McCulloch Protocol Protocols for early Treatment COVID and potentially other "viral illness". We are outside the insurance system specifically because the insurance system is blocking you from obtaining what you need for your good health. hospitalization. Dr. Peter McCullough could not be silent when he saw what he referred to as a "great void" in the national conversation about early treatment and prevention of the coronavirus from the beginning. Dr. McCullough, thank you for confirming the prophylactic measures that my mom once used to stop the spread of colds and flu among her six kids, rinsing with diluted hydrogen peroxide and Listerine. Follow 30.8K. Treatment Publication: Peter A. McCullough, M.D., M.P.H., Vice Chief of Internal Medicine, Baylor University Medical Center, et al. has indicated that 94% of Americans have had. 3.68K. So many people are afraid to do the wrong math.. can someone PLEASE finally do this in American units?? Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection, the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2021 Mar 30;22(1):9-10. doi: 10.31083/j.rcm.2021.01.301. Wallace Garneau, I am telling my story in a blog, eventually to cull from the blog material to write a book. 4https://emergency.cdc.gov/han/2022/pdf/CDC_HAN_467.pdf I have found and saved as many peer-reviewed articles about the studies conducted before this pandemic began that I could find on related SARS/MERS topics. Feel free to ask a question or simply leave a comment. And, he practices internal medicine, the management of common infectious diseases and cardiovascular complications of viral infections and particularly injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine. While our government agencies perseverated on masking, social distancing, lockdowns, and hand sanitizer, they ignored advancements in keeping the nasal passages and throat protected from SARS-CoV-2 with these simple affordable counter-measures. 1. [iii] Oropharyngeal viricidal therapy has been demonstrated in supportive studies and randomized trials to: 1) prevent infection after suspected exposure (twice daily), 2) reduce the period of infectivity when ill, and 3) attenuate the progression of disease and reduce the need for oxygenation and hospitalization (six times daily). Thank you, Lyme Disease Association, Inc. (LDA). As a general rule, day 1-3 is the golden window for initiation of early treatment, 4-6 agents are required, and the duration of therapy can be as short as 5 and as long as 30 days depending on the circumstances. discusses what is known about the Omicron variant, and the use of Povidone The system enables you to click on up to 15 Doctor Referrals every calendar month period. Title: Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH COVID-19 Treatment Protocols Author: LDAhelp Subject: Lyme Disease Association Created Date: 20230301030426+00'00' [ix] One of the greatest crimes of all-time has been the systematic suppression and oblivion to early therapy over course of the crisis. The Wild-type through Delta waves of SARS-CoV-2 represented more severe and longer courses of illness among proportionally more initial COVID-19 infections or index cases. Then I got fed up and studied alternative medical therapies, physiology, and biology. For purposes of this stack, we acknowledge that many can be effective including: povidone-iodine, hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver, xylitol, and for the throat many mouthwashes including Scope and Listerine. In an exclusive interview for InfoWars, Dr. Peter McCullough, who has been very outspoken about the dangers of the Covid-19 vaccine, gave more detail about the vaccine dangers and about the overreach of the entities involved in the vax rollout. to develop the treatment protocols he uses. Peter. doi: 10.12659/MSM.935379. Peter McCullough, MD. Povidone-iodine is ranked no. This button displays the currently selected search type. The new agreement between the European Union and British government on the Northern Ireland protocol has provided solutions that are "agreeable, workable . Requests for reprints should be addressed to Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, Baylor Heart and Vascular Institute, 621 N. Hall St, H030, Dallas, TX, 75226. . Note: I made many updates to the documents in the Covid Section of the HBN online Library ( click Library on the menu bar. Some conservative reporters obviously missed the mark in interpreting Soross recent commentary on the top forerunners for the GOP presidential primary race. InfoWars.com. We do not evaluate the professional competence or qualifications of health care providers on our referral list or the costs of services provided. Med Sci Monit. Is there any way to detox at a cellular level after receiving the Covid19 vaccine? In your public statements, you showed clearly your skepticism of the pharma-industrial complex, at one point referring to pharmacists as drug dealers. How come then that Eric Adams, as Mayor of New York, became a foot soldier for the pharma-complex, and abandoned every notion of evidence-based healthcare and public health? 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