Cesar Timo-Iaria (in memorian); Angela Cristina do Valle. There are other definitions of the word dream, too. The meaning of dreams is therefore still an unsolved problem. 96. WebThis theory also implies that dreams are not independently functional but rather a coproduct of the sleeping brain, reflecting the dreamers physiological and psychological Timo-Iaria C, Valle AC. Aristotle (1), who had carefully observed several animal species while asleep, noticed that movements of several of their body parts were quite similar to those performed by humans during dreaming. Spectrum, New york 1976:411-449. Arch Psychiat Nervenkrankh 1938;109:1-17. (eds. In addition, blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery decreases during synchronized sleep whereas in desynchronized sleep it is similar to that occurring in waking (133). When a dream has a verbal content the tongue, lips and other facial muscles do contract and if the dream is deambulatory several lower limb muscles do contract, expressing the behavior triggered by the imagined walking. We propose that the function of dream sleep (more properly rapid-eye movement or REM sleep) is to remove certain undesirable modes of interaction in Takakusaki K, Ohta y, Mori S. Single medullary reticulospinal neurons exert postsynaptic inhibitory effects via inhibitory interneurons upon alpha-motoneurons innervating cat hindlimb muscles. For instance, during desynchronized sleep theta waves, in rats, are highly coherent in nucleus reticularis pontis oralis and in the fronto-parietal cortex, as well as with the hippocampus (78). 114. The same holds true for animals that live in water, such as fishes, molusks, crustacea and other similar animals; it is impossible to invoke as a proof that they do sleep the shutting of their eyes, inasmuch as they do not have eyelids but it is obvious that they periodically do rest, immobile, what perhaps does explain why at night their predators attack them heavily and devour them. Winson J. Green JD, Arduini A. Hippocampal activity in arousal. Consciousness in waking and dreaming: the roles of neuronal oscillation and neuromodulation in determining similarities and differences. Vertes RP. Fos-like immunoreactivity was also found in association with cholinergically induced REM sleep (107,108). The value of r is as high as 0.9618 when theta waves in the hippocampal CA1 field of one side are matched with those in the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis, what points to a close temporal relationship between theta waves in hippocampus and in the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis. Crick F, Mitchison G. The function of dream sleep. 70. Physiol., Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1972:166-307. Jouvet (12,119), one of the most important researchers on sleep, suggests that dreaming is "a guardian and programmer of the hereditary part of our personality" and as such it plays a role in our general behavior. Sleeping and Waking. Expt Neurol 1976;53:328-38. (eds.) Descending projections from the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum to the paramedian reticular nucleus of the caudal medulla in the cat. Further studies have shown that the pathways from the alphacoeruleus nuclei to inhibit the motoneurons are rather complex. 51. De Sanctis S. I Sogni e il Sonno. (eds.) J Neurosci 1995;15:3500-8. If, as an advantage, in humans such manifestations of dreams can be related to their reported content, in non-human animals it is possible to record with a high degree of accuracy not only the motor and the vegetative manifestations of dremaing but the electro-oscillograms of many central structures as well. The preferential eye movements direction may be related to the dream content and, perhaps, as such also to hemispheric dominance but it should always be taken into consideration that any movement originated by a dream is always faulty, otherwise we would perform normal behaviors during a dream, what does not happen due to the inhibition of motoneurons. No wonder that dream recall is impaired in brain-damaged patients (97). In other words, they're simply a byproduct of brain processes during sleep. Roberts LA, Higgins MJ, O'Shaughnessy CT, Stone TW, Morris BJ. Hernndez-Pen R. A neurophysiologic model of dreams and hallucinations. Eye movements during dreaming are usually expressed as potentials of different voltages, which can be interpreted as due to distinct movements performed as a function of the movements of the dreamed of objects. The neurophysiological mechanisms of the postural and motor events during desynchronized sleep. In fact, all the phases of wakefulness and sleep, including desynchronized sleep, occur in the cerebellar cortex. 109. Recently a more acceptable evidence in favor of the consolidation hypothesis arises from the study of a gene involved in neuronal activation This gene protein, zif-268 (98), binds to a specific DNA molecule present in the promoters of a variety of genes expressed in the nervous system (99) and its up-regulation is thought to initiate a program of gene regulation leading to neuronal plasticity (100). The subjects of dreams are broad-ranging and complex, incorporating self-image, fears, insecurities, strengths, grandiose ideas, sexual orientation, desire, jealousy and love". Whereas Freud was convinced that dream forgetting was an active function of repression, Hobson, Pace-Schott & Stickgold (2000) attribute the failure to recall a dream to a state-dependent amnesia caused by aminergic demodulation of the sleeping brain (120). 87. Neuroscience 1997;81:893-926. When the rat moves the head, for example (which may indicate a vestibular dream), heart rate goes up and may be as high as 330 bpm, similar to that occurring during attentive behavior. Maquet P, Peters JM, Aerts J, Delfiore G, Degueldre C, Luxen A, et al. Since evoking visual reminiscences during wakefulness and the building up of dreams with visual information are dependent on the visual cortex, both facts can be correlated. Also, correlation is high when theta waves in the thalamic reticular nucleus are matched to those occurring in the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis. Experimental methodologies permitted investigation of the responsiveness of dreams to external stimulation and the effects of deprivation of REM sleep. In 1986 Vertes advanced the hypothesis that random endogenous activation of the brain stem (dreaming?) WebThe leading theory of dreaming in the early decades of this research was the psychoanalytic, which views dreams as highly meaningful reflections of unconscious mental functioning. Role of pontine tegmentum for locomotor control in mesencephalic cat. 47. The substrate, physiological mechanism, and function of dreaming have been explained by many scientists from the neurological, psychiatric, psychological, and philosophical perspective. PMC Heiss W-D, Pawlik G, Herholz K, Wagner R, Weinhard K. Regional cerebral glucose metabolism in man during wakefulness, sleep, and dreaming. 65. Fratelli Bocca Editori, Torino 1899. A direct pathway arising in the region of the coeruleus complex that projects to the bulbar medial reticular formation was described by Magoun & Rhines (1946) and does heavily inhibit motoneurons (49). eCollection 2021 Aug 12. While humans dream around 100 minutes every night, cats exhibit signs of dreaming during nearly 200 minutes per day. Epub 2009 Oct 1. WebWhen a person entered rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, it activates circuits within the brain stem. As shown in figure 11, comparison of the instant voltage of theta waves among several regions of the brain shows that the correlation coefficient (r) may be very high. Regional cerebral blood flow throughout the sleep-cyle an (H2O)-O-15 PET study. This statement is incorrect, inasmuch as electro-oscillograms during both states in humans are not so similar as to confound an observer and in rats we have found that theta waves that occur in both attentive wakefulness and in desynchronized sleep are largely different. One is that dreams are generated by the activation of neural activity in the brainstem and its signal transmission to the cortex. The American psychologist Mary Whiton Calkins published in 1893 an important, although entirely unkwnown, article under the title Statistics of Dreams, wherein she introduced the technique of arousing people when they moved parts of the body during sleep and asking them to report their dreams (4,7). As any neural information, it has to be analyzed, so that the nervous impulses, which carry it be decoded and integrated as a specific neural configuration, that contains all the information released (or revoked) from the mnemonic archives. Experientia 1964;20:1-3. Fortunately, thanks to this peculiar incomplete motoneuron inhibition we are able to record movements occurring in both humans and non-human animals and thus infer the presence of dreams. Afferent transmission in the somesthetic pathways is inhibited during desynchronized sleep (45-47) and may be the main reason of the powerful inhibition of stretch reflexes in desynchronized sleep. Consequently, Foulkes concludes that they do not dream but this conclusion is probably incorrect, inasmuch as at this age children have a highly limited narrating capacity and their poor reports about dreams are certainly linked to such a limitation, not their absence. The hypothesis has been recently put forward by Revonsuo (2000) that the function of dreaming is to simulate threatening events, and to rehearse threat perception and threat avoidance (111). The Psychology of Dreaming. Esquirol, one of the French psychiatrists who started the revolution that changed the ancient (an cruel) view of the mental diseases, spent several hours at night observing how his patients behaved during sleep and concluded that their movements while asleep were related to their dreams, just as Aristotle had found long ago. Unless we agree that such movements in human and in non-human animals are manifestations of dreaming activity, it is impossible to explain the electro-oscillograms and the movements that both classes of animals exhibit during desynchronized sleep. An official website of the United States government. In some mammals only one hemisphere at a time may be in desynchronized sleep. Wallace CS, Withers GS, George VM, Clayton OF, Greenough WT. Pontine cholinergic neurons show fos-like immunoreactivity associated with cholinergically induced REM sleep. This causes the amygdala and hippocampus to become active, which help to influence the brain systems that control sensations, memories, and emotions. Neurosc Res 1993;17:181-202. Brain Res Mol Brain Res 1996;42:123-7. 10. If we dream we are walking, the electromyographic recordings from muscles involved in such behavior show quite clearly that they are not able to produce normal movements. Stern W, Forbes WN, Morgane PJ. Generally, in humans oniric activity is expressed as eye movements, what is obviously linked to vision as the main human sensory channel. Behav Brain Res 1997;84:109-16. It seems that not only humans but also dogs, cows, sheep and goats and the entire family of four-legged viviparous animals do dream. Eye movements in born-blinds are probably due to a quite different reason. The main purpose of experimental decerebration is to study the mechanisms of the fundamental posture, that is, the standing posture. Temporal patterns of discharges of pyramidal tract neurons during sleep and waking in the monkey. The gamma-alpha loop has been shown to play no role in producing the movements that characterize dreaming. Longitudinal studies. Brain Res 1970;19:263-75. Psychosomat Med 1975;37:147-59. Eine Methodik der Ableitung localisierter Potentialschwankungen aus subcortikalen Hirngebieten. WebHe says the function of dreams is that by reproducing difficult or unsolved life situations or experiences, the dream aids towards a solving or resolution of the problems. 100. Essential manifestations of dreaming are the conscious experience, the electrophysiological, the motor and the vegetative expression of oniric behaviors in humans as well as in other animals. 76. Hodes R, Dement WC. J Neurophysiol 1964;27:152-71. 48. Oniric behaviors, as any other behavior during wakefulness, comprise two types of identifiable manifestations: motor and vegetative. The physiological-functioning theory suggests that dreaming works the same way. Recently, theta waves frequency were proved in our Laboratory to be linearly related to intelligence in rats, as evaluated by the time necessary to learn operant conditioning tasks (77). In: M. C. Hepp-Reymond & G. Marini (eds.) The data reported in table 1 reflect a close distribution of the dream content as related to their sensory content. During dreaming, however, it is well known that both heart rate and blood pressure undergo short duration increases (as related to the decreased values), which are most likely linked to the oniric behavior. On the other hand, cells that were silent during the behavioral task did not show the increase in frequency. In: Antrobus, J.S. 132. Maquet et al. In 1896 Weed & Halam (4) published the first quantification of dreams content. Braz J Med Biol Res 1996;29:1645-50. 4. 106. & Ajmone-Marsan, C. 77. One is that dreams are generated by the activation of neural activity in the brainstem and its signal transmission to the cortex. In rats we have recorded ear movements in paradoxical sleep, which we attribute to the occurrence of auditory dreams (see Figure 9). Respiratory frequency decreases during the entire sleep cycle but is phasically activated during dreaming because it is a vegetative function that has to be increased in any behavior, including the oniric ones. However, interruption of the pyramidal tract hardly affects the appearance of muscular twitches during desyncronized sleep (83,84) but the reticulospinal tract seems to be involved in such twitches (85) whereas the associaton cortex does not appear to be activated (86). Timo-Iaria C, yamashita R, Hoshino K, Sousa-Melo A. 15. Where do dreams come from? In humans, both reflex activities are also deeply inhibited during desynchronized sleep. However, human oniric behaviors are also expressed as lips, tongue and facial movements, as well as fingers, toes and whole limbs jerks, as described above. Esoteric power, useless, useful: considerations about dreams in cognitive-behavioural therapy. 26. News Physiol Sci 1998;13:91-7. C R Soc Biol (Paris) 1959;153:1024-8. During normal walking the tibialis anterior and the gastrocnemius muscles are mobilized in opposition but when they contract as part of a dream their contraction may be in opposition (in some periods), what happens in normal deambulatory movements, or simultaneous (in subsequent or preceding periods), which does not occur in normal deambulation. De Sanctis, whose main research on sleep was the incorporation of sensory stimulation into dreams, states in his book that "by measuring the pulse and observing the movements in humans and other animals during sleep it is possible to detect the occurrence of dreaming and sometimes even to guess the dream content". J Neurophysiol 1966;29:871-87. John Wiley and Sons, New york 1982. J Sleep Res 1993;2:188-92. Dreaming 1996;6:121-30. 16. Krueger JM, Obl F. A neuronal group theory of sleep function. Table 1 shows the results of some of such studies, including our data concerning nearly 2,000 dreaming episodes recorded from rats. Pompeiano and his group produced important knowledge in this field (41,42), showing that the muscle contractions that produce the motor component of oniric behaviors, such as eye and limb movements, need that the pontine gigantocellularis nucleus be intact and activated. REM sleep and dreaming: towards a theory of protoconsciousness. Penile erection, that also occurs in monkeys, is present during desynchronized (paradoxical or REMsleep) but it is not necessarily linked to erotic dreams. Pompeiano O. Mechanisms responsible for spinal inhibition during desynchronized sleep. Shiromani PJ, Winston S, McCarley RW. With developments in understanding of the neurophysiology of REM sleep, new theories of dreaming were proposed. Geschichte der Physiologie. A theory that has many followers is the one that connects dreams, in particular, desynchronized sleep in general, with memory consolidation. A comparison of presleep and REM sleep thematic content. Shiromani PJ, Malik M, Winston S, McCarley RW. (1991) and Lovblad et al. 2. Vertes RP, Kocsis B. Brainstem-diencephalo-septohippocampal systems controlling the theta rhythm of the hippocampus. Sleep research: pictures from the early years. 2009 Nov;10(11):803-13. doi: 10.1038/nrn2716. In: Baust, W. In cats, during movements related to dreams such hyperpolarization is reinforced by presynaptic inhibition of afferents to motoneurons. 45. Some presently available explanations seem science fiction, rather than true science. 93. These findings do not necessarily mean that such areas are involved in generating dreaming. Frequency clearly increases and becomes regular, as compared with the trend before oniric activity. 61. Sleep 1982;5:169-87. Xerxes, in fact, had discovered an important aspect of dreams but his oracle discarded such an explanation, in favor of the mystic one. In both instances sleep evolved according to the phases of synchronized and then of desynchronized sleep, during which eye movements always occurred. The site is secure. If the animal is kept alive by forced feeding and is kept warm, in six days frontal desynchronization and theta waves in the other cortical areas reappear and then not only wakefulness is fully recovered but also desynchronized sleep, including oniric activity. Rothschuch KR. No PGO potentials have been found in rats (70). In addition, zif-268 is up-regulated in several novelty or learning behavioral paradigms, including two-way active avoidance (104), brightness discrimination (105), and enriched environment exposure (106). During the first half of the twentieth century, despite the heavy influence of psychoanalysis, dreaming was again but sporadically studied scientifically. 2019 Oct 22;10:1127. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01127. Similarly, in rats any kind of sensory stimulation does immediately mobilize sniffing and vibrissal scanning movements. Therefore, theta waves undergo both AM and FM changes that certainly carry some kind of information that may prove in the future to be crucial for understanding dreams. Behav Brain Res 1995;69:13-22. 97. 59. eCollection 2019. Jouvet and colleagues (1959) soon identified the same phase in cats, naming it paradoxical sleep, inasmuch as the electrophysiological main pattern of this phase in humans resembles that of attentive wakefulness (15). However, in the animals subjected to a rich-environment zif-268 increased significantly from synchronized to desynchronized sleep but decreased from wakefulness to synchronized sleep. 94. 3. Animal experimentation, by making it possible to implant electrodes in any part of the nervous system and to lesion and stimulate (electrically or chemically) also any nucleus or pathway, has been of the utmost relevance for the understanding of the mechanisms causing not only sleep but also the manifestations of dreaming. Hobson JA, Pace-Schott EF, Stickgold R. Dreaming and the brain: toward a cognitive neuroscience of conscious states. Kleitman N. Sleep and Wakefulness. At 36C, for instance, desynchronized sleep spans to about 10% of time, at 23C it occupies nearly 80% of the time, what has not been explained so far. Karger, Basel, 1997:65-76. 6. Electrical stimulation of the nucleus reticularis pontis oralis evokes bilateral muscle atonia in decerebrate cats (52). 8600 Rockville Pike The atonia of myoclonia of active (REM) sleep. 113. WebIn a nutshell, the theory states that the biological function of dreaming is to stimulate threatening events in order to rehearse the perception of threats and how to go about NeuroReport 1995;6:532-6. "Insects are also creatures that do sleep, so much so that they can be seen resting with no movements whatsoever. Several physiologists, psychologists and psychatrists have theorized about that but all the explanations seem to be devoid of a logical or an experimentally demonstrable reason. 98. Brain Res Bull 1992;28:479-84. 101. Valle AC, Timo-Iaria C, Sameshima K, yamashita R. Theta waves and behavioral manifestations of alertness and dreaming activity in the rat. Movements of the eyes when the lids are closed. Nikolaev E, Kaminska B, Tischmeyer W, Matthies E, Kaczmarek L. Induction of expression of genes encoding transcription factors in the rat brain elicited by behavioral training. 2021 Aug 30;24(2):543. doi: 10.4081/ripppo.2021.543. During REM sleep, several physiological changes also take place. Such important discoveries were buried by the impact of psychoanalysis, which was created soon after Calkins' work was published. However, we still do not know why most motor units are inactivated while a few ones are mobilized, causing real but incoherent and non-efficient movements. WebThe language of dreaming shows that certain parts of the brain are active during dreams while others are inactive. Careers. They may well be activated during the behaviors caused by dreams (and which are not the dreams but their consequences), that are expressed as eye, head, lips, tongue, fingers, legs and other movements, that is, the motor components of the oniric behaviors. In fact, we ignore almost completely why we dream. In the sixties, Evarts (1964) had also recorded from monkeys high frequency bursts of impulses in the pyramidal tract axons, which may be related to activation of muscles intervening in oniric behaviors expressed as movements (82). Some peculiarities of the dreams of patients with vestibular diseases. 36. An analysis of the supraspinal influences acting on motoneurons during sleep in the unrestrained cat. Neuroscience 1997;78:13-38. On the other hand, respiration usually undergoes a reduction in frequency and in frequency variation but during dreaming activity the respiratory frequency increases and becomes variable, which is certainly related to the temporal evolution of the oniric experience, as is the case during wakefulness. Pyramidal tract neurons during sleep and dreaming: the roles of neuronal oscillation neuromodulation... Changes also take place 4 ) published the first quantification of dreams is therefore still an unsolved problem Timo-Iaria. 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