Deeds & Trust Deeds as amended, taking into account amendments up to Sixth Amendment of the Superannuation (PSSAP) Trust Deed. ABN 48 882 817 243 AFSL 238069 RSE Licence No: L0001397. In determining and reviewing its investment strategy and policy, CSC shall consult with such persons or bodies as it thinks fit. Remember, it isnt a law. 3.2 CSC has power in Australia and elsewhere to do all things necessary or convenient to be done for, or in connection with, the performance of its functions and, in particular, may: (b) underwrite or sub-underwrite any form of investment including the underwriting or sub-underwriting of the issue of shares, debentures or units in a unit trust; (c) borrow moneys and give security over the whole or any part of the assets of the PSSAP Fund; (f) engage consultants and investment managers; (g) engage a panel of persons to assist it in determining whether a person is to be retired on the grounds of invalidity; (h) establish a Reconsideration Advisory Committee or Committees to examine and report on decisions of CSC and its delegates under the Rules relating to entitlements to benefits of PSSAP members and non-member spouses entitled to benefits; (i) effect policies with insurers in CSCs name to provide death and invalidity cover and income protection cover for members in accordance with the Rules; (j) take action to control or manage, or to enhance or protect, the value of, any investment made out of the PSSAP Fund, or to enhance or protect, the return on any such investment; (k) arrange for the purchase of income products, including retirement income products, by members, non-members and beneficiaries as provided for in the Rules; (l) establish a trust for the purpose of investing the PSSAP Fund and manage and administer the trust; and. Want more or less cover? 5 Things to Know About Student Health Insurance, Factors to Consider When Choosing Health Insurance. 4.2.8 The supplementary death and invalidity cover of an ordinary employer-sponsored member ceases on the earliest of: (a) the day, or a day after the day, that the ordinary employer-sponsored member ceases to be an ordinary employer-sponsored member, that is specified in the supplementary death and invalidity cover policy for the purpose of this paragraph; (b) the date the ordinary employer-sponsored member notifies CSC that they no longer wish to have supplementary death and invalidity cover; (c) the death or invalidity retirement of the ordinary employer-sponsored member; (d) where, under Rule 4.2.13, a premium payable for supplementary death and invalidity cover has not been paid on the day on which the premium became payable and the terms of the supplementary death and invalidity cover policy provide for cover to end if the premiums cease, the day after the day on which the cover ends due to non-payment of premiums; and. remain on their parents health coverage until age 26, Employer health benefits: 2020 annual survey, Coordination of benefits and third party liability, Coordination of benefits model regulation, Coordination of Benefits Model Regulation, Newborn and adopted children coverage model act, Birthday rule blindsides first-time parents with a mammoth medical bill, Covered through a parents plan? 4.1.2 An ordinary employer-sponsored member will be provided with basic death and invalidity cover on and subject to the terms and conditions of the policy taken out pursuant to Rule 4.1.1, unless the life insurance company does not provide cover in respect of the member under that policy. Splitting of superannuation between a member spouse and a non-member spouse following a splitting agreement or splitting order under the Family Law Act 1975. (a) employment with an organisation or association registered or recognised under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009, the membership of which includes people who are members of the CSS or the PSS or the PSSAP or a body consisting of such organisations; (b) if the person is employed in an APS Agency employment that is approved by the Agency Head (within the meaning of the Public Service Act 1999) of the Agency on the basis that the engagement of the person in the other employment is in the interests of the Australian Public Service; or. Our new digital portal, the CSC Navigator, is now live. 1.2.1 Because some words and phrases have a special meaning when used in the Rules they have been explained below or in the Trust Deed. 1st Amdt, 2006; 2nd Amdt, 2007; 3rd Amdt, 2008; 4th Amdt, 2009; 5th Amdt, 2011; 6th Amdt, 2012. When dual coverage exists, the birthday rule usually determines which insurance serves as the primary carrier and which provides secondary coverage. R. 2.1.3. R. 2.2.1. R. 2.2.2. R. 2.2.3. rs. 8.2 CSC may by an instrument under its seal delegate to a Reconsideration Advisory Committee established under the Rules CSCs power to reconsider its own decision or a decision made by its delegate in relation to PSSAP or the PSSAP Fund and to determine the matter by: (a) affirming the decision under reconsideration; or, (c) substituting another decision; or. (c) set out the functions and powers of CSC in relation to PSSAP and the PSSAP Fund; AND WHEREAS section 12 of the Act provides that the Rules for the administration of PSSAP set out in the Schedule to the Deed referred to in section 10 of the Act (in this Deed called the Rules): (a) may provide that, when a splitting agreement or splitting order is received by CSC in respect of a superannuation interest under the Act; (i) the non-member spouse is entitled to benefits determined in accordance with the Rules; and, (ii) the benefits of the member spouse are reduced in accordance with the Rules; and. If a young adult is covered by both a parents plan and an employer plan, the employer plan is primary. in relation to a superannuation interest in the PSSAP Fund, means the spouse who has the superannuation interest. If you have a clear preference for which policy would provide better coverage, you might prefer to insure the child on just the policyespecially if the other parent's policy would end up being primary under the birthday rule. (c) fees, costs and expenses paid from the persons personal accumulation account during the period the contributions were held in the PSSAPFund. The mothers more generous plan served as the secondary insurer, and the couple was initially hit with a medical bill of $270,951 for the birth of their daughter, who experienced medical complications. (b) the designated employer of the ordinary employer-sponsored member. 3.1.9 If CSC receives a benefit application from a transitional member pursuant to Rule3.1.1(a)(iv) and CSC has in place arrangements for members to purchase the income product requested in the application, CSC, in accordance with Rule 3.5.1, must, on behalf of the transitional member, arrange for the purchase by the member of an income product of the type so requested costing an amount equal to the total benefit set out in the benefit application. There are exceptions to the birthday rule that can make its implementation a bit complicated. 4.1.6 Subject to Rule 4.1.7, the premium for basic death and invalidity cover provided in respect of an ordinary employer-sponsored member is the amount determined by CSC, being the same amount as the amount of premium specified in the basic death and invalidity cover policy, and must be deducted from the personal accumulation account of the ordinary employer-sponsored member. has the same meaning as in the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. in relation to an ordinary employer-sponsored member means leave of absence taken: (a) in relation to the birth of a child of the person; or, (b) because the persons pregnancy ended for reasons other than birth; or. We are pioneers in investment innovations; recognised as global leaders, including in best-practice governance and innovation. Instead, the primary policyholder is the one with a birthday earlier in the calendar year, even if they are younger than their spouse. Although it would be nice, your health plans birthday rule doesnt refer to insurers sending you a special discount, benefit, or coupon for free ice cream to celebrate your birthday. R. 2.2.4. R. 2.2.5. R. 2.2.6. R. 2.2.7. R. 2.2.9. R. 2.2.10.. R. 2.3.1. R. 2.3.4. R. 2.3.5. R. 2.3.6. R. 2.4.1. R. 2.4.2. R. 2.4.3. R. 3.1.1. R. 3.1.2. R. 3.1.3. R. 3.1.4. R. 3.1.5. R. 3.1.6. R. 3.1.7. R. 3.1.8. R. 3.1.9. R. 3.1.10.. R. 3.1.11.. R. 3.1.13.. R. 3.1.14.. R. 3.1.15.. R. 3.1.16.. R. 3.1.17.. R. 3.1.18.. R. 3.1.20.. R. 3.2.1. R. 3.2.2. R. 3.2.3. R. 3.3.1. .. R. 3.3.3. R. 3.3.4. R. 3.3.5. R. 3.4.1. R. 3.4.2. R. 3.4.5. R. 3.5.1. R. 3.5.2. R. 4.1.1. R. 4.1.3. R. 4.1.4. R. 4.1.5. R. 4.1.6. R. 4.2.1. R. 4.2.2. R. 4.2.3. R. 4.2.5. R. 4.2.7. R. 4.2.8. R. 4.2.9. R. 4.2.10.. R. 4.2.11.. R. 4.3.1. R. 4.3.2. R. 4.3.3. R. 4.3.4. R. 4.3.5. R. 4.4.1. R. 4.4.2. R. 4.4.3. R. 4.4.5. R. 4.4.7. R. 4.4.8. R. 4.4.9. R. 5.1.1. R. 5.1.2. R. 5.1.5. R. 5.1.6. R. 5.2.1. R. 5.2.2. R. 5.3.1. R. 5.4.1. R. 5.4.2. R. 5.4.3. R. 5.5.1. R. 5.5.2. R. 5.5.3. R. 6.1.1. R. 6.1.2. R. 6.1.3. R. 6.1.4. R. 6.2.1. R. 6.2.2. R. 6.2.3. R. 6.2.4. R. 6.3.1. R. 6.3.2. R. 6.3.3. R. 6.3.4. R. 6.3.5. R. 6.3.6. R. 6.4.1. R. 7.1.1. R. 7.2.1. R. 7.2.2. R. 7.3.1. R. 7.3.4. R. 7.3.5. R. 7.3.6. R. 7.3.7. R. 7.3.8. Table A Application, saving or transitional provisions, 5 Application of Amendments transfer of Government Co-contributions. 3.2.2 Subject to Rule 3.2.1, in the event of the death of a PSSAP member, CSC must pay or apply the deceased members total benefit to or for the benefit of one or more, as determined by CSC, of the following: (a) one or more dependants of the deceased PSSAP member; (b) the legal personal representative of the deceased PSSAP member. 4.4.2 An ordinary employer-sponsored member may apply to CSC for supplementary income protection cover at any time. Although theres usually an option to put the whole family on one policy, thats not always the best solution. If parents fail to make a selection within 60 days, the birthday rule would then take effect. How does primary and secondary insurance work? CSC may take out death cover and invalidity cover in separate policies. Court Order: The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) designates that the birthday rule can be applied to determine which plan is the primary health plan for the children of working parents, according to the child support guidelines from the Center for Policy Research. 5.3.1 CSC must pay from the PSSAP Fund any amount of surcharge payable in respect of an assessment of surcharge on surchargeable contributions for a PSSAP member held in the PSSAP Fund. By Louise Norris 6.1.3 Where CSC has referred a decision in relation to PSSAP to a Reconsideration Advisory Committee, CSC is to provide the Committee with all relevant evidence and information. The babys delivery and childbirth care will be automatically covered under the mothers insurance policy. CSC must return contributions that should not have been accepted. The birthday rule was created to solve issues when children are listed on both of their parents health insurance. (b) on grounds of severe financial hardship in accordance with the SIS Act. Kaiser Family Foundation. (v) a period of leave of absence for the purposes of engaging in other approved employment. means the amount, if any, reported under Rule 2.2.10. enterprise agreement. 4.4.5 If an ordinary employer-sponsored member applies to CSC for supplementary income protection cover, or applies to vary existing cover, CSC must ask the relevant life insurance company: Variation of supplementary income protection cover. means any amounts payable in respect of an ordinary employer-sponsored member for insurance coverage under Part 4 of the Rules. Note:Among other things, Rule 5.5.3 covers the situation where a member contributes an amount that exceeds the non-concessional contribution cap and CSC must return that amount, in accordance with the SIS Act. This means significant net benefit for your savings, and more in your account for retirement. The birthday rule affects all members of PSSap. For instance, if you were born in February, and your spouse was born in April, plan expenses for you and your eligible dependent children would be submitted to your plan first. Find out more, including how to register: Non-Commonwealth or ACT Government Employers. As PSSAP does not directly provide for such benefits members will roll over all or part of their entitlement to a provider of such benefits. Postal Address. PSSAP Focused is API's new addition to the Process Safety Site Assessment Program. 5V LR14 MN1400 E93 R14 AM2 Torcia bei Finden Sie Top-Angebote fr 10x Duracell Ultra Power Batterie C Baby 1 Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel They appear throughout the Rules in bold print to remind the reader that they have a special meaning. 3.3.1 An application for approval of the invalidity retirement of an ordinary employer-sponsored member may be made to CSC by: (a) the ordinary employer-sponsored member; or. The plan of the new spouse of the parent with custody pays second. in relation to a PSSAP member, means the balance of the members personal accumulation account at the end of the day before the benefit is paid. If the primary carrier pays 80% of the claim $800 the secondary insurer could then pay the remaining $200, provided, of course, that the services are covered and the deductible has been met. The intent of the birthday rule is to prevent the double billing and overpayment of claims while ensuring that the child with dual coverage receives coordinated and . 5.1.2 CSC may keep only one personal accumulation account for each PSSAP member. See Rule 2.1.2. has the same meaning as in the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992. They dont want you, or a hospital, pocketing extra money. Advertiser Disclosure: Some of the offers that appear on this website are from companies which ValuePenguin receives compensation. A member of a Reconsideration Advisory Committee may also be a director of CSC. 2.2 There is hereby established from 1July2005, and vested in CSC (formerly referred to as the Board), a fund for the purposes of PSSAP (to be known as the PSSAP Fund). Ranked 3rd by performance over the past 12 months out of 45 funds. But insurance policies are not created equally, often varying widely in terms of what they cover and cost. What Does EPA Say About Water Contamination? The birthday rule, like other rules, is subject to exemptions and provisions to resolve tricky situations. CSC must provide the responses to the questions in paragraphs (a) and (b) from the life insurance company to the ordinary employer-sponsored member. The SIS Act how to register: Non-Commonwealth or Act Government Employers the mothers insurance policy is covered by a! Ranked 3rd by performance over the past 12 months out of 45 funds personal accumulation account for each member. ) Trust Deed from companies which ValuePenguin receives compensation any time what they cover and invalidity cover separate. Period of leave of absence for the purposes of engaging in other employment. Extra money the mothers insurance policy a splitting agreement or splitting order under the mothers insurance policy a member a! The same meaning as in the superannuation interest in the superannuation Guarantee ( Administration ) 1992... 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