As ruas estavam vazias, as luzes dos postes de luz piscavam fracamente e um vento gelado soprava pelas ruas desertas. Voc precisa nos contar o que est acontecendo. Together they must help each other overcome insurmountable threats, protect new allies and find a way to send Batman back home. Subaru: parece que vou ter suja minhas mos novamenteque droga! Aparentemente, apenas um nico sobrevivente havia sido encontrado entre os destroos. Soon, he will be forced to discover its' meaning. Click the image above to see if your guess is right! by Xorn (TV Tropes: Save Scumming? Synopsis: As the Great Hare descends upon the Sanctuary, a desperate Subaru seeking a certain half-elf finds refuge in the Witch's Tomb. Naoto: Subaru, isso no est certo. He will show the special essence of being human. It is a fairly dark story that involves a lot of suffering for many of the characters. Era tarde da noite e subaru descia as escadas usando um conjunto de moletom de cores pretos, laranja e branco. Para comentar e incentivar o autor, Cadastre-se ou Acesse sua Conta. Spirit Fanfics e Histrias uma plataforma para autopublicao de Livros. Subaru: No, eu estou bem. For those who are unfamiliar, The. It is interesting to see how each character reacts to Subarus life, and it adds a great deal of depth to each of them and to the world itself. Poderes:Super fora: Ele capaz de levantar objetos extremamente pesados e quebrar materiais com facilidade porem tem algo curioso sobre fora e sua invulnerabilidade, elas meio que fica mais forte de acordo de quanto ele acreditam nisso exemplo:( na frente de subaru tem um peso de 500kg se ele no acredita ele s conseguira levantaesse peso levemente porem, se ele acreditar que consegue segura esse peso e tenta novamente ele levantara com um pouco de esforo porem esse peso vai sumindo fazendo peso que ele teve dificuldade fica parecendo que ele est segurando uma garrafa vazia de "leve". "Eu entendo, filho. Kenichi: Subaru, ns estamos preocupados com voc. If Ram did not kill him, what may have become of him? Subaru: me, pai ser que existem outras igual a mim? Esta configurao ser usada apenas neste navegador, Ns usamos cookies e outras tecnologias semelhantes para melhorar a sua experincia em nossos servios, personalizar publicidade e recomendar contedo de seu interesse de acordo com a nossa. There are a lot of unexpected twists and turns in this story, and you likely wont be able to guess what happens next in each chapter. This next story is another mature one, due to its violent content. Ele respirou fundo e levantou-se da mesa, indo em direo sala. Esta configurao ser usada apenas neste navegador, Ns usamos cookies e outras tecnologias semelhantes para melhorar a sua experincia em nossos servios, personalizar publicidade e recomendar contedo de seu interesse de acordo com a nossa. Is it the one where they get eaten alive by rabbits? Re:Zero Assistindo a Re: Ten escrita por Dan_Agiota Em andamento Captulos 1 Palavras 1.089 . There is a bit of graphic violence, as well as scenes and mentions of death. Naoto: Tente nos explicar, Subaru. After Tanya wins the Great War, she is whisked away by Being X. Basically in this Fanfic Subaru is the Batman in this story how will Subaru react when finds out his return by death let's see. Para comentar e incentivar o autor, Cadastre-se ou Acesse sua Conta. Subaru sneezed as he woke up. Leia as melhores histrias escritas pelos fs com a tag Subaru As Ben em Portugus . Ele era incrivelmente forte e resistente, e podia sentir coisas que as pessoas normais no conseguiam. fraquezas: Eletricidade e agua(futuramente). The author does a great job of writing suffering for Subaru. Ele se concentrou novamente e empurrou o mvel com toda a sua fora, desta vez usando seus poderes. The author writes as if they are writing an actual novel in the series. He has another chance to save Subaru. With his head spinning and nausea present, Subaru became painfully aware of his situation as he sighed "I'm sick." Just yesterday, the boy walked around in winter-like conditions for a couple of hours without wearing any cold-resistant clothing. After viewing Subaru's life, and the possible realities, everyone needed a breather and decided to view Subaru's homeworld. Subaru chegou em casa tarde da noite com suas roupas rasgadas e as mos sujas de sangue seco. This is a great, albeit depressing, story that you wont want to miss out on. Ns somos seus pais e queremos ajudar voc. Solte sua imaginao, escreva suas histrias, tenha sua prpria pgina personalizada, compartilhe idias, faa amizades. It is worth it, however, as this story is well-written and very engaging. If youre looking for Re Zero fanfiction, youve come to the right post! We see how each person deals with the troubles they are facing, and they each do it in such different and lovely ways. Sex will happen.A lot. Subaru: Eu no quero falar sobre isso. it's my first Wattpad/crossover story btw and yet I'm young to create this story that makes the story contains minor broken English and others. Seus pais, preocupados, o receberam na porta da casa. Ele sabia que algo estava prestes a acontecer, embora no pudesse explicar exatamente o que era. Statella has taken pity on him, but that has not made his experiences any easier. There are hundreds of comments raving about the authors writing style, the characterizations of each person, and the interesting and unique plot points that these characters are faced with. Its a bit before noon. Nunca ouvi falar de ningum com habilidades como as suas. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Subaru would eventually lose Rem to deaths grasp, leaving him alone with no one left to turn to. As time goes on, everyone realizes that something is very wrong. Lastly, if you want to read more about fanfiction on this blog, check out: Which Harry Potter book is JK Rowling's favorite? We get to see what would happen if she was the one who transported instead of Subaru. Enquanto tomava seu caf, Subaru ligou a televiso e comeou a assistir s notcias. Basically, Subaru is MCU Spider-Man and madness ensue upon the arrival of the Marvel multiverse unto the world of magic, witches and spirits. E tambm no queria preocupar vocs, afinal, esses dons podem ser perigosos", respondeu Subaru. Subaru olhou para tudo isso e apenas falou: Subaru: com certeza isso no um sonho ento isso s significa uma coisa..EU FUI INVACADO PARA UM MUNDO PARALELO. Tags: Short fic, Yandere!Emilia, dissociation, mental illness, dark. Spirit Fanfics e Histrias uma plataforma para autopublicao de Livros. He muttered, a small cruel smile creeping up his face. Helping him over come his challenges "Isso tudo o que queremos. Mas voc precisa saber que pode contar com a gente. The author of this story is a great writer who is able to place these characters in worlds that they would not usually appear. Por que suas roupas esto rasgadas e suas mos esto sujas de sangue? Y/N a normal otaku on day gets thrown into the world of Shield hero as his favorite antagonist from Re:zero. Rem and Subaru one night get mysteriously transported into Subaru's world. O sangue manchava a neve branca e a cena era to horrvel que Subaru sentiu uma onda de nusea. Without knowing the person that summoned him, or the reason for being summoned in the new world, he soon befriends a silver-haired-half-elf girl, Emilia. Subaru: Eu no posso explicar agora. Naoto: Subaru, onde voc estava? This is my book of all drawings that I am and have done In a rather intimate and corruptive way nobody would've seen coming, of course, he'd have to send Ram to distract Subaru while he's encouraging Emilia, leading to an unexpected romance along the way. I am an avid book lover and collector. Although, they're all rather short. Little did she know that the world was going to meet one of the heroes of all times. It follows a young boy named Subaru Natsuki who gets transported to a new world on his way home from the convenience store. Subaru, along with his Camp, his rival Camps, his parents, and Meili, have all suddenly teleported into a theater, controlled by "the Warden". As Ram was only kept in a room chained to a wall someone has to assist her in the bathing process. Repetitive. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (12), Re: | Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World (Anime) (25), Re: | Re:Zero Starting Life in Another World (Anime), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Barusu is actually more restrained in some reactions, and that seems to hit a nice spot for Emilia, Reinhard might get a headpat in the near future, but only because she doesn't like people circling around a topic, Especially because of a very Horni Emilia, Barusu's Life is Suffering (but with Hugs on the side), Re: Tales from the Multiverse: Option Two, Una Nueva -y Codiciosa- Ruta Lujuriosa (A Re Zero Fanfiction), re:zero, starting life in a familiar world/Ram x Subaru. Quando ele olhou para todos os seus lados ele viu que estava em um lugar desconhecido com aparncia medieval europeia e com estranhas criaturas parecidas com animais, porm eram humanoides. Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu, known in English as Re: Starting Life in a Different World from Zero, is a Japanese light novel written by Tappei Nagatsuki, and illustrated by Shinichirou Otsuka. Os pais de subaru estava um pouco nervoso por ser 2 da manh e subaru ainda no ter chegado mais esse medo logo substitudo por um barulho de porta abridno e era subaru. Subaru estava tomando caf na cozinha quando ouviu sua me chamando por ele. Vincent understands Subaru better than Emilia camp, Al helps Subaru more than all Emilia camp combined, Emilia's cuteness doesn't help her anymore, Lolimancing works every gender apperantly, Death's Foresight SS: The Smut Chronicles, Even In Darkness We Still Shared a Moment, Corruption in the Name of the Great Gospel of the Witch. "I don't know m'lady Subaru has a very high spirit affinity and a certain greedy woman helps him out. In this story, the author mainly focuses on Emilia and her reactions to Subarus life. Eles preferiam deix-lo em paz e permitir que ele seguisse em frente com sua vida. I understand your desire, if you want, I will not stop you. David Dunn chamado de O Supervisor ou, Esta configurao ser usada apenas neste navegador, Ns usamos cookies e outras tecnologias semelhantes para melhorar a sua experincia em nossos servios, personalizar publicidade e recomendar contedo de seu interesse de acordo com a nossa. Naoto: Oh, meu Deus! i might discon "Is everyone okay?" Foi quando ele ouviu falar do acidente de trem que havia ocorrido na noite anterior. That one fire spirit that worships Subaru, Logic is trash against a determinator protagonist, Emilia camp loses it's plot armor they will be too late, It takes more than 2 weeks to reach Roswaal mansion, Satella has no idea what the fuck is going on, Return by Death is more overpowered than it seems, Pandora plays safe. Subaru contemplates if he should even have children, Subaru realizes that there's more requirements for marriage other than love and silver hair, If girls don't get their shit together he might actually marry with a kind village girl, Priscilla and Subaru have so much affinity that it's illegal. Tudo muda quando ele transportado para outro mundo, onde descobre que suas habilidades so ainda . And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below! E o que aconteceu com a pessoa com quem voc brigou? Subaru sabe que tem que se controlar, e que precisa manter seus poderes escondidos. Just hit the button below to get in touch. Eu preciso usar minha fora. I hope you will treat me well. This gift which was unknowingly given to him will change things much more than he realizes. Re:Zero Watching Him Die Again and Again by Reactionist, Something Wicked This Way Comes( link) by VereorNox, Batman x Re:Zero: The Dark Knight Starting Life in Another World by RogertheHomelessKing. I don't remember the names or anything though. Amidst all of the chaos and suffering, there is also plenty of romance in this story. If our knowledge serves us, there is always more suffering to be had by Subaru. Subaru e seu pai riram e se juntaram a ela na cozinha, sentindo uma sensao de unio que h muito tempo no sentiam. They Each must now Work Together and Figure out how to Survive Star Subaru ran, he ran as fast as his legs could go. Synopsis: Soul marks appear in pairs and each pair blooms only once; these are the things Subaru learns: an important person, an important event, a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. Please consider turning it on! Ele se levantou, se espreguiou e caminhou at a cozinha para preparar o caf da manh. Batman x Re:Zero: The Dark Knight Starting Life in Another World by RogertheHomelessKing Status: Completed Synopsis:Batman, one of the greatest heroes on Earth and Natsuki Subaru, a young boy with no future ahead of him, find themselves transported to a parallel world. In this story, we see what happens when Subaru is allowed to know the love of his friends. Ele sabe que tem que se preparar para o que est por vir. Re:Zero (Are We Really Going Back to Zero? I don't own anything e Y/N: this is a button Even if it meant dying over and over again to achieve his goals. ReVengence ( Discontinued) by Mr Otaku. Eu usei essas habilidades na luta. You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Boring. -Subida simultneamente a Fanfiction y Wattpad. Killed everyone but one, Ram survived the attack making her the only survivor. ", Sua me o abraou e disse: "No precisa ter medo, meu filho. Moments of humor and love are sprinkled in this story, so it is not all bleak and depressing. This first Re Zero fanfiction focuses on Rem, Emilia, and of course Subaru. This story is probably one of the best on this list in terms of character development and maturity. Y/N: FUUU-! Emilia stood up and smiled at him warmly. Which had left her with a lasting scar that she will never forget. Human. qual seria seu nome de vigilante para subaru? This story contains situations and experiences that could never happen in either of these stories separately, so it is fun to see them come together in one world. Spirit Fanfics e Histrias uma plataforma para autopublicao de Livros. JJBA Part 5 x re:zero There is plenty of struggle and suffering in this story, as we can expect from a good Re Zero fanfiction. In this next story, we see what happens when Subarus entire life is revealed. Subaru acordou cedo naquele dia, sentindo uma mistura de ansiedade e apreenso. Onde descobre que suas habilidades so ainda never forget we see what happens when is. Zero ( are we Really going back to Zero sprinkled in this story, the of., due to its violent content fracamente e um vento gelado soprava pelas ruas desertas going back to?! O abraou e disse: `` no precisa ter medo, meu filho much..., onde descobre que suas roupas rasgadas e as mos sujas de sangue forte! Cena era to horrvel que Subaru sentiu uma onda de nusea para outro mundo, onde descobre que suas rasgadas... You have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in comments! In terms of character development and maturity eles preferiam deix-lo em paz e permitir que seguisse! Or anything though will change things much more than he realizes Subarus entire life revealed! Medo, meu filho ``, sua me o abraou e disse: no... 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