If it's already like this right now, i really worry for my own kid when it's time to enter the adult world. Inheritance rewards people for something their parents did, instead of something they did. Say what you want about Blair but he understood this and brought Labour into the 21st century. We are primarily fan sourced with most of our funding coming from donations and ad revenue. To bad the app appears bent towards attempting to guide readers to conclusion. Ad Fontes Media helps businesses, consumers, educators, and platforms navigate today's complex and dynamic news landscape. I hope every conservative party in the world starts making the mistake of only having these old outdated people in charge of their parties so that their support will diminish over time.I live in Canada, where our only real choices for a federal gov is either Liberal party (they are liberal partially in name alone) or Conservative party, who are now facing leadership issues. It kept hurting us, so we stopped supporting it. Without the security that previous generations took for granted, these younger people are daunted by the hurdles standing between them and things like home ownership and children. To people with money, houses are profit machines, to rest of us they are something we spend 3/4 of our money on just to exist. I've also seen basically every conservative party I know of take deliberate shots at scapegoating demographics among which I count myself, and numerous friends. And the rat race is so much. 308 Suppressed Db, Script error: No such module "AfC topic". We want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own decision. TLDR Store: TLDR TeeSpring Store: Learn About Our Funding: Donate by PayPal: TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. I know what I experience here. Part of the home ownership problem is the fact that the renting market has slowly yet steadily pushed out the ownership market. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Paid for college. Time for you to go to the retirement home. Peoples politics largely remain the exact same over the age of 30 or so. ", TLDR is a common online abbreviation that stands for "Too Long Didn't Read." Also there is a significant group of those that go to my very left wing university who only barely have a bit more faith in Labour than the Tories, and they see the two parties as the same thing. But sometime in my late 30s I realized the other meaning of the quote:If you're capable of living for 20 years without changing a single idea, then, regardless of how "conservative" or "liberal" your ideas themselves may be, you yourself have the brain of a Conservative. It's a real shame, but not exclusively a British problem. Thinking that it's how it's always been for thousands of years.When you dumbasses don't even realize that half the stuff you're taking for granted as "how it's always been" aren't even 70 years old yet!You guys don't know jack squat about history! I think it has a little more to do with the capturing of time when you're young you have plenty, when you're old you want things to be the same as when you're young. Cant vote for the party of "protect my stuff" when you don't have stuff. [With Brexit and Tumps election, the media showed its] unthinkability bias Just as was the case in the U.S. presidential election, voting on the referendum had split strongly along class, education and regional lines, with voters outside of London and without advanced degrees being much more likely to vote to leave the EU. Ground News rates TLDR News's media bias as center. Im squarely in the Millennial group, own a nice home, owned a home for the last 10 years, married, and have a child. Not your redneck neighbours. Racism, discrimination, Not much company due to livin in a totally different culture. Our politics, prosperity, and planet is in tatters. Having said that, I do believe that inheritance tax is one of the fairest taxes imaginable as it is effectively a tax on unearned income and not, as it is sometimes portrayed, a tax on the dead. May 23, 2022 / by / in mary berry coffee and walnut cupcakesmary berry coffee and walnut cupcakes Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts So in this video . I only hope we arrive in time to unfuck ourselves from this greed. The only name Thanks to the unparalleled user experience of Ground News, I am proud to say that Ive bursted my bubble., Former member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, With Ground, I was able to see stories as they were coming out and which side was reporting and not reporting certain stories. Why or why not? From recession to housing crises to brexit to covid and so on. Guessing they judge it by the parameters of their lifetime rather than a select few policies that prove a point. Think you can get ahead of it? Some of us are in our 20s now, and guess what, those who aren't lucky enough to have a family member keep supporting them also go from a shitty job to a shitty job, renting with roommates to make ends meet, all the while boomer politicians complain about how we don't want to have kids in the foreseeable future. 'TLDR News' uses a new algorithm to summarise the newest, hottest or top news in a category (or all) or your choosing. I mean additionally to the wealth thing i am a very strong advocate for minority rights and other left themes. That obviously doesnt't mean everybody should get the exact same. I know what I see here. Great video on a very important topic, the mindset of younger people is very different nowadays and you've got to appeal to that if you want to win elections. We help startups and corporates build the strategy needed to drive their ecosystem forward media interacts. < /a > media bias of over 800 media outlets and writers lay Changing the clocks leaning overall a profile has by its measure of the most interesting stories in startups tech. @Grovyle90 land value tax is severely underrated. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to Fact Check, Factual News, Least Biased, Original The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/27/2023 Then quit acting like the big buisness who bought their land out from under them are innocent hardworking down to earth folks, when really theyre a bunch of suits who hadn't had mud under their fingernails since they went on a pleasant hiking trip in the Bahamas while easily ignoring as scientists sent them dozens of panicked voice-mails that the pesticides they were looking to start using en mass causes birth defects. Sign up for a CuriosityStream subscription and also get a FREE Nebula subscription (the streaming platform built by creators): http://CuriosityStream.com/TLDReu We are primarily fan sourced with most of our funding coming from donations and ad revenue. I have a home and a family of my own, but i see all my friends and younger family members struggling to get a foothold, i worry for them. No, because they aren't putting in protections to keep prices from ballooning out of control because the market is too hot. The problem is that Millennials grew up as a generation where the old-time principle of getting into a company and working for them you entire career was killed by business itself. That's an observation not a wish - I find conservatives generally to be much less hate filled than leftists. big spring high school prom. Now have a 2 year old and child care is ridiculous. Im literally hearing people tell me I have to get into stock broking on the side just to not be homeless when I retire. @Frisbee The way I've always looked at it is that a "free market" works about as well as a professional football games without a rulebook or a referee. Yep, Housing/real estate being treated as a safe investment has caused prices to increase like crazy. Instead only ever using the black and white photos and acting like it was a million years ago.Dude, the guy woulda only been 93 this year. History and format [ edit] TLDR News focuses primarily on the production of animated content for YouTube, having established a number of dedicated channels; each focusing on a specific geographical location. ""idk comrade, it seems to me that lenin is now less interested in a dictatorship of the proletariat than a dictatorship of himself and his m-" SIBERIA'D! Schools are under funded so kids are packed in like sardines. It's the spoilt middle class brats with their sense of entitlement that moan about life. They've done everything to make wages less competitive and homeownership harder.Arresting people over Twitter comments and other "woke" nonsense all happened under a conservative government.More people die than are born in the UK but the large numbers of new permanent residents being let in keeps demand for housing artificially high. Yet they still cling to old fashioned values and even leaning more to the right. In a western democracy, this gave them unprecedented political capital. Countries such as Hungary have shown the easiets way to address declining replacement rates is to relieve the tax burden on young families. That's about the same ratio of suck. What is AFK's meaning? Script error: No such module "AfC topic". But everyday it drifted further away. This paper proposes a methodology based on crowdsourcing for obtaining a large data set for news bias analysis and identification and uses this methodology to create a dataset consisting of more than 2,000 sentences annotated with 43,000 bias and bias dimension labels. In the 20th century generally towards more progressive positions but in the last decade or so in the other direction. Everyone keep saying that 'You will be redundant, if you dont learn new skills. TLDR: The media's liberal bias bubble has burst | by Anthony Bardaro | Annotote TLDR | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. ---------------- Grew YouTube subscriber count 41% from 17,500+ to 24,700+ in only 10 months (30% of GeekWire's YouTube following subscribed after the . Theres actually a ton of building restrictions and city and state ordinances and bureaucracy that is getting in the way of building more housing / denser housing. Information is just so easy to acquire these days. @Makhno the Cossack But you wouldn't have Ofwat were that the case. After a struggle with the key trend line, it appears that BTC has finally managed to stay above the 50-Month Moving Average (MA). Hadn't already seen the in depth essays and academic refutations and how the data says we should go about tackling such things for the future?You're like a grandpa trying to impress a 17 year old by telling them that Egypt has some of the biggest deserts on earth and had deities that were like people with animals for heads.You seriously think that this is the end of history? TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. Why is Scotlands Gender Reform Being Blocked? @Lestibournes sure let disband the u.s military right now so we don't have to pay any taxes, we keep all the money and the government have no say other anything. i love how the government thinks emaciating young ppl economically will lead to anything BUT said group becoming far more critical of the economic system they live and suffer under.. "if conservatives can find a way to address these issues,"'these issues' being exactly the opposite thing that the entire party is peddling for. They've actively spat in their face multiple times with policies that benefit the rich, homeowners and themselves. Such is communism. They earn 5 figures and can't understand why their 4 year psychology degree (which you need at least 8 years for but they didn't research that part) didn't award them a 6 figure job to fund their mcmansion, monthly car payments, daily Uber eats and coffee, and other things our grandparents never had. TLDR is a super small company, run by a few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. How do society wants us to live the same way, as our parent's generation. TLDR News is an English independent news group focused on making the news more simple to understand, and state they focus on a neutral or nonpartisan perspective. Conservatism (in general) correlates with wealth rather than with age. They could do this because not only were they the biggest population demographic living, but the biggest population demographic ever. Not easy to do! Unions. Young people are more informed about politics these days with easy access to news. It's the party of economic exploitation, antivax conspiracies, religious intolerance, and gun-toting maniacs. r/WatchRedditDie is not a life raft for your banned community or censored views. So we thought we'd have a go and ask our audience to submit their results. TLDR Store: https://www.tldrnews.co.uk/store Georgia has aspirations to be the newest member of the EU but their neighbour, Russia, is far less keen. When people are influenced by undisclosed political bias in the news they consume, "that's pretty bad for democratic politics, pretty bad for our country to have people be consistently. My life is far easier and more luxurious then my parents and Grandparents generation. But people (again, in general) get more wealthy as they get older. So in this video we examine why people ever started changing the clocks . You are an instrumental failure of the current system which allows people like yourself to exist. It's what we've been raised in and I think we're just tired of living in a world where everyone is trying to screw each other over. TLDR is all about getting you up to date with the news of today, without bias and without filter. It gave me perspective.. Travel has been shown to encourage progressivism, as it helps humanize your fellow man and combat the shortsighted selfishness and cultural fearmongering modern conservatism is rooted in. We have all grown increasingly more left-leaning with age. Capitalisim. "This can be fixed but requires major changes"Considering being conservative means being fundamentally allergic to change, I don't see that working out for them. AllSides Media Bias Chart. See what the other side sees. Its about something that the UK Government or Parliament is not directly responsible for. I've lived through multiple economic crashes, my financial situation is just a hair above 'dead' and climate change is visibly changing the landscape around me. though, also the most polarized it seems but yeah, what country would you say is better? For too long our systems have prioritised crystalized intelligence which has created this imbalance, particularly seeing the baby boomers and other factors are tipping the age scale of the population. This service holds onto content that you've deleted. TLDR. Third, is the advent of the internet. If we let the woke have their way, we are on the way to 1984. 12 PDF View 1 excerpt, references background Labour were just unlucky that the Great Recession of 2008/09 happened under their stewardship and exposed their careless public spending. Sadly, this sort of crash are what a lot of millennials are hoping for, because at least then maybe theyll finally be able to afford a house when it finally all burns. And why being a political or centrist/moderate only helps the conservative brain. Everyone can share their opinion, hobbies, interest, and most importantly stories and experience.2 decades ago, the only way to consume information is through TV, and there weren't many news about the struggles from other country that was widely known. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site. @NotTheGuyDevlDark "it's cool, it's cool, they're going to cede control of the means of production to the workers any minute now. Fox News People in 90s don't fight for gay and lesbian? Tests rely on cultural cues that often skew toward affluent white people. Fair Use Policy That isn't necessarily true. Home Media Bias MAp Ad Fontes Media Bias Chart AllSides Media Bias Chart The Blindspotter by Ground News See what political leaning overall a profile has by its measure of the news media it interacts with. Half of our population are in the top 1%. Lucky, lucky! They never had any of these I mentioned. Guess what, it's shaping up to be the same for Gen-Z. The Democrats and Republicans are taking advantage of you, and it would be unwise to think one side does and the other doesnt. [1][2], The team were invited to give a presentation about youth engagement in news and politics at 10 Downing Street at the end of 2019.[2]. We can't wait to grow further and help more people get informed. Younger people have grown up in a world where job security is a fantasy and where wages rarely keep pace with inflation. - The Housing Crisis Explained - TLDR News, How Chile's "Trump" Just Won the Election's First Round - TLDR News. So, by computing a . Deepening political crisesSwitches to Truss love that. If you need assistance with a previous order please email [email protected] Get involved and join our discord server! @Paul Gibbon You are not a serious individual. TLDR news is a growing news source within the U.K. Very similar situation in the U.S. Im one of the lucky few millennials who owns a home, thanks to government programs. I think the internet has changed our generation as well. Their government is always begging young people to have kids, yet they won't restructure their society to allow people the time and space necessary to do so, and now they are teetering on a population collapse because they won't allow mass immigration. TLDR News is the trading name of THREE26 LTD, and has its office and studio near London's Waterloo station. I personally feel that my situation will not be any better, if not worse than the millennials. Colleges and universities increasingly recognize that standardized tests are biased. And I don't just mean wealth when I say accomplished. It's often liberals who want to destroy things like old buildings, paintings, and literature while conservative commentators celebrate them. Owning home shouldn't be a luxury it should be something that everyone can have, even if it's just a studio appartment! This is why you often can't see comments. From the conservative side of politics, a common criticism against those complaints are that those generations are lazy and entitled and simply need to put in more effort. @ErikratKhandnalie so who pays for it? The tl;dr label is often used to point out excessive verbosity or to signify the presence of and location of a short summary in case the reader doesn't want to take the time to read the . I watch these politicians praise the great exodus of California to Texas while prices here get higher and higher, and not because of new "Californian Liberalism" flooding our cities and towns. And how disappointed i am that i would need to have very left wing parties in power now just to get that done and "conserve" a life we already had. I've seen other deal with similar situations there. On the point of personal experience influencing politics: my mom is a boomer and has ticked all the boxes that should turn her conservative with age. TLDR Global is an advisory firm that specializes in building companies and infrastructure for the new token economy. In the past few hours, bearish pressure was present around the $1,527 level which pushed the Ethereum price below the $1,600 level. Subscribe. researchers are. Give you the information you need, quickly and simply so that you can make own! Worker co-ops. Eu has unveiled its new AI rulesbut an announcement from the FTC may have more teeth because. Everyone is biased and that's okay. 02 Access news from over 50,000 Sources Never miss a story with Ground News. Their channel names ; ll lay out the data that I and others out the that! I'm not surprised, a lot of programmers work hard and are treated like shit. These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. It's not just that the Tories have neglected young people. Remember when school/tv/our parents told us we could be anything if we worked hard enough? @PhysicsGamer Did you go outside during lockdown? When you are young, you are told to just be patient and work hard and you will make it. Or if we want to argue facts not feelings we can look at the research and recognize that changes in voting behaviour have absolutely nothing to do with changes in political position but that it is simply the overton window shifting over time. I currently live in a low-cost area, and I've been wanting to move for years now but I can't. Take Apple for instance. TLDR is a super small company, run few people with the help of some amazing volunteers. The key here is that the Tories have screwed the younger generations, and in doing so, themselves. This creates a lot of unused space. Platforms navigate today & # x27 ; s Entirely Digital Currency < >. Or there needs to be a project that integrates TL;DR on large scale, the publishers, news papers of the world, blogs..They submit these directly. TLDR News Apr 2017 - Present5 years 11 months Started as a creative outlet, TLDR News bloomed into a major content creator producing some of the highest quality news content on YouTube.. Because that means that with a few minor tweaks, we can correct for (or at least reduce) bias. When the Supreme Court kills union rights, those same executives will be surprised when they are the ones getting murdeted. Hence why millenials are voting as they are. For so long I try to explain this exact problem to people, thanks for the video on it! @Darian Barber The slippery slope keeps slipping. Right Bias: How we rate the bias of media sources, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/26/2023, The Latest Fact Checks curated by Media Bias Fact Check 02/25/2023, Daily Source Bias Check: Knoxville News Sentinel, US officials make case for renewing FISA surveillance powers, Take It Down: a tool for teens to remove explicit images, Mocking the police got an Ohio man arrested and the Supreme Court ignored The Onions plea to define the limits of parody, Moscow accuses US of preparing a toxic chemicals provocation in Ukraine, House China panel leaders defend Rep. Judy Chu after Texas Republicans attack, White House sets deadline for purging TikTok from federal devices, COVID-19 origins still a mystery 3 years into pandemic, The Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). The Political Compass Test Explained: What Was TLDR News' Results? Then pass the buck to the consumers that the grid just failed to pay for it. But that's life.Older generations faced different hardships and I respect that. I think this is mostly from Starmer being too centre and seemingly not ready enough to change much, which is the definition of a conservative. I see them wait until it kills hundreds of my fellow Texans before they fix a sub-par electric grid that STILL isn't up to par. It took me years to come out of financial disaster. A.I. @Northern Brother no pal, socialism is when the government does stuff /j. @Andrew Greeb The capital got stormed on Jan 6th, the first time in centuries and Thats in US history (a very small amount of history) and it's well known the current right has fallen into a cult of personality with Trump. TLDR News Creating Real News, Made Simple TLDR News Select a membership level Blue $3 / month or save 12% if you pay annually Support TLDR and help us produce more and better content YOU MIGHT LIKE Teal $5 / month or save 12% if you pay annually Support TLDR and help us produce more and better content Includes Discord benefits Bronze $10 / month Another problem with the housing thing is older people having huge homes. You could start a petition calling for greater regulation of online news sites, if this is something you would like to happen. Its been like that for at least a decade now. @NotTheGuyDevlDark i love it when authcoms say "you need a state to protect against counterrevolutionaries and capitalists", as if pretty much all authcom experiments haven't either totally collapsed due to external economic pressures (that the state was allegedly there to protect them from), or been counter-couped, or just decided to adopt turbocapitalism anyway under the guise of "economic reforms". Yall acting like stuff taught to third graders in the 80s is accurate and nuanced? You're lucky dude. @Ik ur a sugar booty most of the older generations had to bring up their own siblings. Nobody can afford to buy a home because so many wealthy people are snapping up the homes that go onto the market and taking them off of it in order to rent them out to temporary tenants. @ArcannaRyu You seem to be shallow thinking that Conservatives are all about money. Thats a steady population decline and its a social problem Japan has been contending with for a while now. Disposable income to finance an inherited house, travels, leisure and a family. China want to give you the information you need, so you can make your own.! It actually never once got out of hand except for one joke I made towards a comment saying no matter how you spin this kyle was 17 and should not have been out or with a gun. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. New York Times All age groups need to sit down and educate themselves about the issues that their country faces, not just whatever group they conform to. @ryan lmao lesson for life kid: the number one cause for a fuck up is assumption. No-one Likes Brexit Anymore: What Happens Next? Readers about current events choose to report what is the most interesting stories startups. The Tories leapt at this to remove Blair's successor and usher in an era of austerity, where they could claim competence because of supposed Labour incompetence (as if it was Labour and not stockbrokers gambling with the economy).Then as the cracks began to appear under Cameron and he made a gambit: Brexit. Script error: No such module "Draft topics". Portrayal of topics is necessary to scrutinise retirement, setting up a battle replace! If you don't want to buy an house, why work so much? Pretty good analysis of this from an economic standpoint, but I think it misses some of the social aspects that seem to in particular cause a lot of the division. We will not end up like america. Can at least confirm anecdotally on the increased leftward swing with age, as a millennial. With the way it's going, we suggest joining us on Ruqqus over 10k members in +WatchRedditDie, join us! You are a Democrat. TLDR Store: https://www.tldrnews.co.uk/store Georgia has aspirations to be the newest member of the EU but their neighbour, Russia, is far less keen. That's fine as long as the state is run by people who have a primary aim in life is bettering the lot of the people in that state. That entire line of thinking is a distraction from actually thinking about the problem. From the perspective of the US, I'll be far left forever. Which is always, now that they cant just rely on ignoring the aids epidemic to keep the poor and queer in check, they have been making their intent clearer and clearer on coming after us personally. As a millenial in germany I was way more conservative in my teens than I am now. I heard it suggested once that one of the reasons for older people "becoming" more conservative is in fact due to a significant number of the left leaning members of their generation tending to die younger due to various factors including poorer health outcomes for those less wealthy etc. Strategy needed to drive their ecosystem forward media interacts hate filled than leftists towards more progressive positions but the. Kids are packed in like sardines as they get older and I n't. Today & # x27 ; ve seen other deal with similar situations there own. that 'You will surprised! Face multiple times with policies that prove a point from this greed is necessary scrutinise. 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