Policing is a very dangerous job. Many police officers also suffer from sleep deprivation or even insomnia. You still want to become a police officer? In fact, this can get really nasty, especially if your mistakes have led to serious adverse outcomes. Police officers are often misinterpreted when our antics are overheard in public. As a police officer, you will also enjoy many additional perks. If you are looking for a fast-paced, exciting career that will allow you to make a difference in your community, you may enjoy being a police officer. Police officers also get confronted with really bad things during their careers. Less likely to use violence. Some employers Consequently, the police officer must decide on their own in the particular moment what to do. If someone was not competitive as a rookie, they probably will become so in time. Thus, no job is the same and job descriptions may not completely fit your individual experiences. It also requires plenty of paperwork and also legal knowledge. Through regular meetings with the offenders and sometimes with their families, a probation officer monitors these individuals and makes sure they are In turn, you will also become more patient in case things dont work out the way you want them to be. Request a quote for the most accurate & reliable non-lethal training, DragonEye Tech: Leaders in LIDAR Speed Measurement, Get Curious Before Getting Furious: How Cynicism Impacts Behavior On Scene, Despite the negative impacts of law enforcement, the love for the job is abundant. If you make mistakes, you may also get fired. As a police officer, you will also have to rely on the support of your colleagues. Regarding the use of force, officers whove graduated from college are almost 40% less likely to use force. In turn, many officers are simply not able to process those experiences in an emotionally healthy manner and will suffer from mental problems like depression later on in their lives. America has created its own monster. Now that you know all the pros and cons of being a police officer, it is on you to decide whether you still want to become a policeman or if you want to go for an alternative career path instead. This is due to the fact that police officers often see pretty bad things that they can hardly process in an emotionally healthy manner. Police officers toe the thin blue line between lawfulness and illegal acts, due to their unique position in society. List of the Advantages of Police Discretion 1. 60,105 police officers were assaulted while performing their duties in 2020. In addition to the personal satisfaction that you gain, you will receive a competitive salary as well as a number of other benefits. Officer Bob sees the person assault a passerby and must now use his discretion to decide whether he will intervene and possibly draw and use his weapon, or call for back up assistance. Discretion fosters judicial economy. We have come to an age where the public thinks the system and the police have a solution for their every problem. This may be called Tools or use an icon like the cog. Select the option or tab named Internet Options (Internet Explorer), Options (Firefox), Preferences (Safari) or Settings (Chrome). Gabrielle Nicolet has been writing and editing professionally since 2004. The strategy also calls for officers to analyze the underlying causes of crime, develop appropriate responses, and assess whether those responses are working. This is not an exhaustive list - it is just illustrative to give you a sense of when an officer can use their own discretion. Hence, you can make really strong bonds during your career as a police officer and can even make friends for a lifetime. As a police officer, you will also have to deal with many difficult family problems and you will generally see the worst of humanity. It is awkward at times, but we think we are funny. 1. What are five negative and five positive personality adaptations cops undergo after experience on the job? Since you will have to resolve conflicts on a regular basis and also have many stressful days during your career, chances are that you will stay in shape. I did the same when I started working in consulting after finishing my Masters degree in Economics. Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, Iowa State University, Director, School of Criminology and Criminal Justice; Co-Director, Nebraska Collaborative for Violence Intervention and Prevention, University of Nebraska Omaha. The principle of police An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. Many police officers also suffer from serious mental issues. Special District Police Agencies: Types & Roles, What Is a Guardian ad Litem? As a police officer, you will surely be both loved and hated. Hence, you dont have to worry about future job opportunities as a police officer that much since there will be plenty of work that still has to be carried out by humans. Create your account. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. There is also the risk that the police officer might misinterpret a statute when performing their duties. Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. Denying reality gets you killed. While some people like this insecurity since they get a certain level of excitement out of it, others who need a structured day hate it and if you are the kind of person who wants to play way ahead, chances are that becoming a police officer will just not be the right way to go for you. Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Their responsibilities include not only preserving the peace, preventing criminal acts, enforcing the law, investigating crimes, and arresting those who violate the law but also directing traffic, community relations work, and controlling crowds at public events. Colleges and universities can help officers acquire the skills needed to help to reestablish trust between our communities and those who are sworn to protect and serve. Many policemen stay awake at night and think about the bad things that they have experienced during the day. These sources are experts and educators within their profession. If you make mistakes, people may even sue you. All rights reserved. You can get our highlights each weekend. Discretion is important in the criminal justice system because it fosters judicial economy. Officers who have an understanding of scientific methods, as taught in college, are better positioned to adjust their departments policies. Thus, before deciding for a career as police officer, make sure that you are mentally stable enough to deal with those pictures in your head that will not look pretty most of the time. A lock ( They also get paid for family leave, sick leave, vacation and long-term disabilities. Policing is a very interesting job and the situations officers face change constantly. Quite often, you will also spend your leisure together and some police officers even spend plenty of time together after they retire. 14 chapters | However, Ive quit pretty soon after that since I havent found true meaning in my job. Lexipol. In Texas, a police officer was fired, charged with murder, and sentenced to a $10,000 fine and 15 years in prison after body-worn camera footage contradicted his initial statement in the Apr. Our ethics and morals have been tossed out the window and replaced with disconnect and desensitized human shells. While many people dont want to have this high level of responsibility, others love it and if you are the kind of person who really wants to have this power, becoming a police officer might be the right way to go for you. One important advantage of being a police officer is that cops have a pretty high reputation in society. However, the police have to use their discretion when deciding to perform a search. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics in May 2017, police and detectives earn a median annual salary of $62,960 or $30.27 per hour. In fact, while many other jobs will be automized and will be carried out by machines in the near future, policemen are not that replaceable since there is plenty of individuality and discretion in each case and police officers have to make decisions depending on many different variables and circumstances. On the other hand, the use of police discretion has been criticized for negative aspects. An aggravating factor is an aspect of crime that increases an act's severity and culpability. LockA locked padlock Advantages and disadvantages of police.Police officers often work long hours Also if you think that police officers have a relaxed life, you should think twice. If discretion in law enforcement is used in a wrongful manner, it has great potential for being abused out of the field. Discretion in criminal justice is present at all levels of the system and in its bureaucracies. Professionalism in the police force has several positive impacts that include good service to the public, better pay for the constables, ethical conduct, strong community support as well as respect and a stronger role in a Criminal Justice System. There are advantages and disadvantages of police discretion, just like there are pros and cons of being a cop. In any establishment, we choose the seat with our backs to the wall and a view of the entire place. Hence, if you want to have this high social standing and the admiration of others, becoming a police officer or nurse practitioner can be the right way to go for you in this regard. Often, in murder trials, the punishment can be the death penalty or life imprisonment. Officer Bob decides to intervene. Leana Bouffard does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment. Many people also greatly underestimate the stress that comes along with being a police officer. Moreover, you will also learn how to read people and this is crucial to succeeding not only as police officer, but also in various other parts of your life. Consequently, make sure that you are also willing to do this kind of work before deciding to become a police officer. Though each day is going to be different as a police officer, some people might rather have a more predictable, mundane type of job. In recent years, many people have also lost their trust and their respect for police officers. In fact, especially if you have children, it can be quite hard to go to work as a police officer since you know that you might never come back and so do your children and your wife. We would be lost without our firearm and badged clipped to our waistbands. The following are the types of decisions that might require a police officer to use their own discretion. Police officers with at least some college experience are more focused on promotion and expect to retire at a higher rank compared to officers with no college. In this case, police are given discretion, or freedom to decide, on the job to make decisions, but there is a 'thin blue line' that the police cannot cross or they will be in violation of the law. In fact, shifts of police officers can be quite long and depending on what happens in your district, you will have to work long hours and will come home exhausted. Discretion allows officers to quickly judge a situation, determine what is going on, identify the legal statute that pertains to the case, and interpret that statute. Learn about the practice of police discretion and how police officers make decisions based on the best possible situational outcome. interacts online and researches product purchases Imagine that Officer Bob is on patrol in an area known for drug trafficking. In many states, it is also not easy to become a police officer. Thus, every goodbye will sound strange and will have a sad implication of what might happen sooner or later. However, I will not take any responsibility for incorrect information and will not be liable for any negative consequences that might occur due to the reliance on this information. We often compete with our peers and families in outdoor games and sporting events. They are also terminated less frequently for Environmental Conscience aims to provide unique high-quality content that is helpful to the reader. WebPros of a Career as a Probation Officer. Comraderies among peers also deflect negative work thoughts. Many people hail police officers as being heroes and consider them to be brave and helpful people they can count on to come to their rescue in a time of need. In fact, there are countless career opportunities out there and you should just choose the one that seems to be right for you. In fact, night shifts are rather common and if you dont want to work at night, you should just go for another occupation instead. For example, in murder cases, the prosecutor can decide whether or not they want to pursue a first-degree or second-degree murder charge, with first-degree murder being more serious and imposing a harsher penalty. A high fitness level is not only crucial to stay healthy in the long run, it can also help you in the dating market and makes your life easier in various other aspects. Probation officers supervise criminal offenders who have been sentenced to a period of probation rather than incarceration. Being a police officer also means that you will face a high level of insecurity regarding how your day will really look like. Also if you think that police officers have a relaxed life, you should think twice. Consequently, if you are not willing to take this risk, you should definitely go for a different career path instead. Police officers have to rely on each other to make their operations as safe as possible. This will also be quite hard for yourself since you will never know whether you will see your kids again or not. If you do your job well and if you are really ambitious and do what it takes, you can pursue a demanding career and many doors will open to you. Please note that all the information I provide on this website is to my best knowledge. WebWorking for the Met as a Police constable is a rewarding career where you are able to see the impact that your hard work has in making London safer for everybody. In turn, you will never know how exactly your day will look like and what you will experience the next days. Imagine you take away the life of a person and it turns out that this has not been necessary at all. This is not only quite sad, it also makes the job of police officers much more difficult since people often just no longer comply with the commands of policemen. Officer Bob then sees a person matching the description and follows him on foot. No matter which way you personally feel about the subject, the police must be sure not to cross the 'thin blue line' when it comes to utilizing police discretion. The order did not mention the need for police to get a college education, even though higher education was identified in the 2015 Presidents Task Force on 21st Century Policing as one of six effective ways to reduce crime and build better relations between police and the communities they serve. Police Subculture Overview & Examples | What is Police Subculture? Police work is particularly dynamic and no day is the same. However, some police officers quit their jobs after a while due to the dangers they no longer want to be exposed to. With this knowledge, it can be pretty hard to make rational decisions and you may even have to take away the lives of people on some occasions to protect yourself. Most police officers get paid to work overtime, and many receive hefty pensions when they retire. Research shows that, overall, college-educated officers generate fewer citizen complaints. Being a police officer can also be quite stressful. Many police officers just have a hard time dealing with this fact and try to suppress it. Being a police officer in America is a tough job.. In fact, being a policeman is not safe at all and you should be aware of the fact that you put your life at risk every time you leave your home. However, in reality, there are also many downsides related to this job. Now let's look at another example. In fact, many police officers have to spend significant amounts of time on paperwork and other administrative tasks. Hence, as a policeman, you will have a significant level of freedom regarding where and on what topics you want to work on. Quite often, police officers are confronted with situations that are pretty unpleasant. For example, internships and service-learning opportunities in college provide future police officers a chance to develop civic engagement skills. There are many instances throughout a police officer's day-to-day work where they can decide how to respond to a situation using their own best judgement and wisdom rather than a strict law. and LL.M. You will never know what happens during your shift and every operation could potentially be the last one for you. Hence, your life will depend on the reliability of your colleagues and if you dont want to put your life into the hands of others, chances are that becoming a police officer will not be the right way to go for you. In general, police officers face quite irregular shifts and often dont know how the next weeks will look like for them. Discretion affords police officers autonomy and authority. This could mean that you will not be able to celebrate Christmas or other important holidays with your family and your kids will be quite sad and may even resent you for that in the long run. If your colleagues make mistakes, you could potentially lose your life. Among students who participated in a criminal justice service-learning course working with young people in the community, 80% reported a change from stereotypical assumptions that all of them would be criminals to a better understanding of them as individuals with goals and potential - some not so different from the students own dreams. Crime Measurement Programs: History & Nature, The History of Women & Minority Members in the Police Profession, Recruitment of Women & Minorities in Policing. In fact, most police officers are not replaceable with machines in the near future since the job as police officer just involves too much personal judgement to automize it. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS There are also disadvantages to being a police officer, which include: Due to the high-stress and critical nature of the situations police officers face every day, which often include life-or-death decision-making, there are pros and cons of police discretion. One benefit of being a police officer is that you will have a pretty good standing in society. An error occurred trying to load this video. WebThe advantages of being a probation officer. Also, the prosecutor exercises their discretion to decide the severity of charges levied against the offender. Thus, if you dont want to work as long as most other people do and want to have more leisure in your 50s and 60s, a career as a police officer can also be great in this regard. Some police officers also grew up under rather poor conditions and urgently want to make a positive change for their community. Gaylene Armstrong receives funding from various state and federal granting agencies in support of criminal justice research. Officers get to work on an individual basis as well as in a team environment. For instance, the officer could misinterpret a statute and make an erroneous arrest. If you are still not sure yet, you may have some friends who are police officers and can give you some additional information on this topic. Expectation versus reality probably exists for all of us in different forms and fashions. Many children dream of becoming a police officer. 7. Police1 is revolutionizing the way the law enforcement community This can be rather annoying, especially if you have a family and dont know how to manage your private life since you often dont know the exact hours of your shift. While some people still believe in the best of people, police officers just have a hard time doing so since they experience so many Consequently, it may also be hard for police officers to build trust with others and to make really good friends since they may always mistrust people right from the beginning. This is quite logical since whenever you need the police, something bad has happened to others. Use of force is defined as actions that range from verbal threats to use force to actually using force that could cause physical harm. They must always respond quickly and appropriately. Since there will always be people who dont comply with the law, police officers will always be needed and your future job prospects will be quite decent. Bureau of Labor Statistics: OOH: Police and Detectives, Police One: The Pros and Cons of Being a Police Officer. Over the past years, there has also been a trend of people losing respect for the police. Being a police officer in America is a tough job.. The suspect obeys, and Officer Bob makes an arrest. During your career as a police officer, you will also learn quite a lot of patience. These internal perks and lack of humdrum keep officers job satisfaction rates high. All rights reserved. Great! In fact, you will make many mistakes throughout your career and some of these mistakes can even cost lives. Consequently, dont be discouraged if your first job as a police officer will not be your dream job. He draws his weapon and orders the suspect to freeze. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Territories Financial Support Center (TFSC), Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC). In case of emergency, it will be on you to decide whether there is the need to take away the lives of people or not. Those who truly love the work will go to extra lengths for others. Officers are afforded the opportunity to use their best judgement and knowledge to make decisions. A 'thin blue line' also exists with police discretion. Racing through traffic to crime scenes, risking being shot and approaching unsuspecting criminals are just some of the daily activities that make being a police officer dangerous. Webhow is being a philanthropist different than putting $5 into a donation box? Policemen can support local neighborhoods. Here are eight advantages of being a security officer: 1. If you have made bad decisions in the past and have an extensive criminal record, your chances of becoming accepted as a police officer will be almost zero in most states. This can be rather unclear in many situations and one mistake in this regard can even cost your life. They protect the community or certain neighborhoods and work to reduce crime rates. In turn, you will get to know each other quite well and your colleagues will become your second family. 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