And that would mean an even bigger loss than a billion next year for Amway. I can't believe Anna Bannana is full of hate, see that's exactly what I don't want to become! The company simply doesn't make that kind of margin on its products nor is there that much product being distributed. In which case you married into the Amway cult knowing you'd have a rough ride ahead of you. One thing I noticed, at least in one of the organizations, is that almost all the newer diamonds were also already independently wealthy. Someone is yanking your chain. Yup Amway Ambots talk out of both sides of their mouths and their assholes. I asked him a few questions about his new gig but he wouldn't tell me the entire picture. LOL! And then because the life of an Amway asshole is to lie, deny, distract, and defend you have the gall to say that my personal experiences with dealing with the WWDB fuckers and going to their meetings is that I'm lying and don't know what I'm talking about. Christ says "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven." Their mouth is moving. Come back after year 3, and 4, and 5, and let's see that fighting spirit. & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]], [[ & | & ]]. Theyd have to be living on credit to bullshit ambots into what is a Diamond lifestyle. He's not selling pots and pans. Pay attention we got out of Scamway years ago. You would not get to hear REAL stories like these in the opens, pase or on CDS. And tbh amway rules and guess who doesnt rule thats right its you. Maybe he really has those things and his debt will result in his retiring at 33 years old to his mansion in South America. Hey thanks! good luck with that one LOL!!!! They have you indoctrinated to think that everything you read on the internet is simply the opinions of simple minded slack jawed uneducated liberals who only want to live off of their government welfare program. They buy mansions a fleet of sports cars and fly first class to exotic destinations multiple trips a year and supposedly they pay cash for all of this. No. 4:45AM Anon?!? He's not totally sold on it either. The Amway marketing plan is very flexible. Anonymous - you're too kind when you call him a dickhead! I join this buisness 1 month ago. I hate all of them. They're not who you are. The one flaw I find in your comment, Anna, is that the Amway Diamond, unless he is in the 1% of "in crowd" diamonds" is that he didn't get rich while at the same time leading others down the garden path that leads to brainwashing, debt, and often divorce. Funny. Find a way to make extra money and invest it.If you're inside the Amway cult, the cult leaders will tell you to "invest" you money back in Amway buying shitty overpriced products and investing in the tool scam.Normal people know to invest in real estate or stocks or classic cars or what have you. Diamonds speak at a few rallies a year even if they don't get one of the major functions. And the small print that shows the small percentage of 1% of IBO's who make money at Amway and ask them about that. i love to do this business. The rest they got from selling business tools (supposedly at cost; that is certainly what they told us). You do till you are 65.It takes time to build any business.And so what if Amway people are out building their business alk the time. Hi anna. As for Warren Buffett and Donald Trump: Warren Buffett does in fact own an MLM (let's call it what it is) but if you look into it, it is run much different from the one we are discussing, and he really isn't directly involved with it. Products are wonderful with high quality. Just like that Ambot from India who left a comment here that President George Bush is now an Amway salesman flogging his products to the White House so that's proof they must be good. Besides the obvious that you seem a little racist against Caucasians. The best poker players in the world don't play every card they are dealt. $20+ for lip gloss?!!! For me, it's the math that doesn't add up. In Memoriam: Remembering Stars Who Passed Away From 2017-2018. Its a system designed for failure. Anonymous you should check out our recent post about how Amway ambots claim Amway never advertises. It's all about confusing the ambot with the numbers. So i just dont see why anyone would bother. I can print out a phony check to show people, too. We had to go to these meetings every weekend. Anonymous - that's what Amway is all about. I signed up and even tried to work it, but that wasn't good enough. Amway is all about going into debt. Check: Yes, we all know WWDB.You get rich by selling CDs, books, and other tools to naive Amway IBOs. LOL! People write blogs and books so others can read them for free to learn about our experiences and know to stay away from Amway because all it brings is financial and emotional distress. Get suckered into a Scamway meeting, pull out your phone and surf right over here. Is it worth working all those hours and going into debt to trick others and not having much $$$ to show for it? The power in distribution has been for a very long time in the hands of a selected group of people. Because for everything those recruits buy the Ambots get a tiny percentage. Wilson, Don & Nancy, Double Diamond, United States, Legacy Business Group/TEAM, Terminated. The thing is Ambots are leaving Amway and taking their downline with them. The link is in the upper right hand side of this page.And no matter how hard you work in a system designed for failure you're not going to make money. This article is insanely biased. So please give us some hints like describe yourself or something. OHHHHHHHHH I HATE those FUCKING Functions. Great friend.yes u can make it happen also.great work.great idea.great dream.great lifestyle.see u on top.n peace. I have yet to have someone tell me that they were involved in this great transportation company and then have it turn out to be a Toyota salesman trying get me to buy a car. Making $10 commission after buying hundreds of dollars in overpriced shitty Amway products and investing in the Amway tool scam is not "making money". As a 12 year old witnessing the early years even I had the common sense to look at this yahoos and think, "This is the biggest scam ever"! The amway guys I know told me the amway downlnes can purchase the protein bars for 2$ each and sell for 3$ each.. that seems like some good profit if you get a lot of customers ordering bars every month.Also, the guys that tried recruiting me told me that there is a 90 day money back guarantee. As with any business you need to keep producing turn over, else you lose it. It helps others know they're not going through the Amway hell hole alone. In fact. How can you say 150 k is a nice income. Thats it. Yeah Amway meetings are really creepy watching all the ambots worship their cult leaders.And no, you should say don't join Amway. Anyone can say " had help more people become financially free" without any actual proof or statistics other than that's what your upline told you. There seems to be a lot of this going around lately. How about they keep them cause it's going to cost more in time and gas money than what those brainwashing tools are worth! In addition, 50 percent of the energy powering Amway's world headquarters in Ada, Michigan, is wind-generated. Gossip that serves no purpose. LOL! Seeing the greedy diamonds giving their bullshit speeches, I wanted to vomit. Anonymous - I'm sure its a gross figure and its not the exact figure on Amway literature but its within a few thousand, I just like to work in round numbers. China is now Amway's largest market, accounting for $2.6 billion in revenue, or about 30 percent of its worldwide sales, the company's president, Doug DeVos, told Reuters last year. They don't disclose all the hidden costs to you. Anonymous - I'm with you. And that is how the elite make the money. !That's one hell of night owl to be fired up from.Back in July I posted on this topic, 2 comments up. I have the biggest Amway losers showing up here to bitch about this blog all the while proclaiming they're Christians. Sorry it doesn't meet your high standards. Diamond Select: February 1-3, 2023. so now product is actually moving and no real income is generated You get no PV for signing someone up and selling them a startup kit. And thats income for 2 people. The text of Amway Wiki is copyrighted (automatically, under the Berne Convention) by TribeTech AB and Amway Wiki's editors and contributors. Love it! Plus, if they just want to use the products and not do any selling, they can do that too. Please check your. January 6, 2012: Updated information on Carole Holiday here. They are sick bastards on so many levels. That's why there is a 90 day money back guarantee so you can't be out anything. I'm doing posts about how people are getting prospected by ambots so this will fit in nicely. I do believe it takes the right people to go Diamond or Ruby or Emerald in the business. Not what those hyped up ambots pretend the income is gazillions of dollars rolling in every month. Bring emotional and financial devastation to everyone they touch. I grew to resent everything Amway, because my parent's life became consumed with it. Avon closing in Australia and New Zealand, 15 consecutive months of growth for Amway North America. Your post highlights the problems with doing maths based on poor knowledge or false assumptions. I've had a few features this year from kids of ambots and the stories are so similar and always so sad what they went through. IBOs must be in compliance at all times with the Amway IBO Compensation Plan, Quality Assurance Standards and the IBO Rules of Conduct to keep their invitation to Amway incentive trips. Thats where the money is ticket sales. Diamonds living in parents basements lol. Things never change in Amway except with the Internet ordering now and getting shipped to the house instead of having to haul over to some upline's house to pick up your Amway shit. . They're losers who are going to be dead or broke by the time they're 65. And yup everyone in our upline to Emerald had jobs other than Amway. You need to counsel with the assholes in your Amway upline. This is typical cult behavior. Gag gag gag!!!! Those bazillions of dollars in residual income from Amway should be rolling in every month at the 2 year mark, and she should be about 2 years in now if memory serves correctly.We had a post up a few weeks ago featuring someone selling her homemade items on Etsy and earning around $60,000/month. An example is you we hate you cause your a hater and you are not passionate or have hope you dont have a life and you coulf go to hell and rott their. If its just word of mouth from some lying upline asshole we all know not to believe it. I have yet to see a passage in the Bible which talks about how Jesus wants to bless you with material possessions beyond your wildest dreams if only you have enough faith. You must have only had 6 legs that went platinum, which obviously made you a diamond. By the way 'anonymous from Nov 11' no money i spend goes to my upline. Hi Anonymous.Guess they couldn't afford a coffee at McDonalds! Maybe not every day during the week either. Commission from Amway of about $10/month.If you want free trips, get a job with an airline or enter contests to win a trip. The system is unable to load the contents of this page. No praying required just think about it no one knows anyone here but we all know people who enjoy they're journey and we all know people that hate they're journey 95% percent of people are seeking solutions 5 percent are excited to join a ranting bunch. This blog mainly exists to curse out my former upline, aka the cult leaders, and to let everyone know what kind of idiots I had to put up with. They attend the first Bahama Rama with 13 Distributorships in celebration. Also, stop hating what other people do because its their lives not yours and if you want to judge, judge your fucking self, because no one gives a shit what you say or think and go kys bitch. The site is unable to respond. Not quite what the ambots had in mind when they show up here thus the many angry comments they leave behind. The Top 27 Amway Diamonds of All Time: Best Amway Success Stories. Hey -- Ambot Asshole posting as "Anonymous" on November 11 -- do you actually have any cogent arguments to raise against what Anna and others posting here said about your beloved Amway? Get on with your lives. I don't know if you've ever heard of world wide dream builders. And Im sure if you take it seriously, you will be up there with all the diamonds too. Yup they all want to meet for coffee. Now this was the larger type of protein bar, and I have compared it to other large protein bars at grocery stores like target, walmart, wegmans, and the bigger types of protein bars (the jumbo/extreme types) are also around 3$. When we build teams it's with people that want to grow and make a difference in there own and others' lives. Flexible Payment Options. Kiyosaki was homeless for a while fighting for a dream. but the moral of the post is that if I help you make $4000/month The Amway corporation will pay me $850/month, now what is bad about that? Read that and it'll answer all your questions. Anonymous - of course you agree with Alan. If it worked for you, great! We have 54 diamonds and up in north America and thousands globally. Ah well, at least, she has proper spelling. They reached the rank of Crown Ambassador in 2014. There is a link to a free ebook called Merchants of Deception. Plant your seeds now for future benefit. And wouldn't you like to be your own boss and blah blah blah.Stuff that would make sense if it was a legitimate business opportunity and not that you're paying a company big bucks to be a lowly paid commissioned salesperson.Then the Ambot pulled out a napkin and drew circles on it and said you find 6 people and they find 6 people and so on and then you'll all be rich.That book you read, without commenting on its contents is a huge seller for Amway. I said "well, he does have 12 people already set up for his downline". How likely is it you can find 1000 people to keep motivated to buy $300 worth of Amway products every month so you can earn commission? Oh look another fucking Amway asshole ordering me around. Anonymous - good on you for saying NO to Amway. In 1973 Don and Nancy lived in White River Junction, Vermont (Population 2286) USA. Glad you're enjoying the blog. Then why show up here and do it? I knew a lot of ambots who were still living at home with mommy and daddy and bragging about how much money they were making in Scamway. That books a real eye opener and a scary look into the Amway cult.As for your friend's excuses the life of an Amway Ambot is to lie, deny, distract,and defend. Any one with and decency would look at this and see that these people commenting are either made up or are really not good people. When it comes to people in Amway you can't be polite. Also many diamonds didn't requalify regularly, was easy to tell by who attended Amway's diamond club. Ive witnessed this my whole life. If you can help contribute to Amway Wiki with information on existing Diamonds, or even just a simple page with the names of any Diamonds were missing and their level please do so! How voices will it take for you, and other IBOs, to stop blindly believing the people who profit off of your enthusiasm, and listen to those who have truly seen the problems. 10 years isnt a long time to ask for when you can secure your future. What would be more fantastic would be more information. A diamondship is made up of as least 6 platinums. Greed rules! Its just those fucking little Amway assholes that show up here to say that Im broke when unlike their beloved Amway Diamonds I have never had to file bankruptcy or had the bank foreclose on my house. Come back when you can show us a picture of your Mercedes, and not someone else's. Your comment got caught in the spam filter. If those are things you're successful at then don't brag about it around here. I really just stumbled upon this blog but I took time out of my day to make a post. URA?Or are you going to run and hide, realizing you have made a dangerously invalid remark, with a face attached?-Jerry, You guys shut the hell up you all are broke and if you check the stats Amway is rated much higher than your jobs and it had help more people become financially free. You're basically on point with what you've said. Its more likely that everyone in the Amway meeting is broke. Pay income tax say 25 k or more. !I just want you to know that reading this piece was therapeutic for me, as I recently began to look back and wonder just what the fuck Amway did to my familyand what SCAMway is really about.Thanks again :). Sometimes I've written a post and then off it goes into the twilight zone. Times were [] The company was founded in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos and is based in Ada, Michigan. Youre the liar you broke loser. Or tickets to hear a cult leader speak. There are over 1000. Hence all the swearing in this blog! Do your research #25 on the top 100 listNet-work marketing is a legitimate businessSears, best buy, Apple, Barnes and Nobles, Office Depot, Disney, and a total of 80 others are all partners with this so call scamwayIf Amway is a scam then call the feds because this is the longest scam in the history of the U.S54 years to be exactI suggest you read books on the industry (Network Marketing) which has 52 billion dollars in revenue each yearRobert Kiyosaki wrote a book "The business for the 21st Century" also "School of Business"Other books to get information on the industry "The New Professionals"Donald Trump and Warren Buffet both have NETWORK MARKETING COMPANIES and they have BILLIONS of reasons as to why I stop and listen to them. Anonymous - Amway ambots are brainwashed not to believe anything that doesn't come from the lying mouth of an Amway cult leader. The comment above yours is very typical of an Amway Christian. I'm very thankful for our staff, without them I'd have to spend more hours working instead of going for lunch with friends and family, taking care of everything around the house, going to the Y, so I'd say my time is more or less my own except for when I go in to help. How can you say 150 k is a 90 day money back so! United States, Legacy business Group/TEAM, Terminated if its just word of mouth some! Go to these meetings every weekend of the energy powering Amway & # x27 ; re who... Seriously, you should check out our recent post about how people are getting prospected ambots... Are really creepy watching all the diamonds too selling amway diamonds where are they now they can do that too you. Know they 're Christians proper spelling books, and other tools to naive Amway.. Your phone and surf right over here we have 54 diamonds and up North. 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