And what present practices and ways of thinking and knowing might be questioned using Foucault's tools, genealogy in particular, for resisting unnecessary constraints on freedom and the perpetuation of unnecessary suffering? We will begin examining these questions by studying the history of controversies in American higher education, concentrating especially on debates about the curriculum. in conflict. stagflation of the 1970s, and bursting of the mortgage bubble in 2008. After working through these arguments, we will reflect more generally on the proper roles of reason and faith in justifying religious belief. [more], Epistemology is one of the core areas of philosophical reflection. We pursue this reflection by examining the views of James, Husserl, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty, particularly as they concern the methods for the study of the mind and the relation between consciousness, reflexivity and the body. If so, freedom may seem impossible since we're all deeply influenced by factors ranging from the general laws of nature to specific features of our genetic endowment and social environment (including religion, political ideology, and advertising). Existentialists investigate deeply irrational phenomena of human life, including anxiety, boredom, tragedy, despair, death, faith, sexuality, love, hate, sadism, masochism, and authenticity. We will begin by examining the general concepts of health and disease, and then apply them to human psychology. More importantly, many of the thinkers that we will read in this class are simply excellent philosophers, and it is worthwhile for anyone interested in philosophical problems to read treatments of these problems by excellent philosophers. How is it different from science? There is a village where the barber shaves (a) all those and (b) only those who do not shave themselves. Finally, there are those who do not think philosophy can contribute much at all to answering such questions and others who question its claims to universality given its associations with colonialism, racism, sexism, etc. [more], The seminar involves a critical engagement with key Africana political leaders, theorists and liberationists. Of course, this question cannot really be answered, nor is there any value in trying to answer it, and any "answer" will only be "true" for you. What differentiates today from yesterday? The second, longer part of the seminar will try to isolate and follow some of the pragmatist currents which run through epistemology and philosophy of science in the 20th and 21st centuries. Others maintain that these questions will only yield to methods that incorporate our broader insight into the nature of the world including, perhaps, feminist thought or science. [more], Freedom is widely held as one of our fundamental values. We will read several complete dialogues in translation, and will also read a wide variety of secondary source material. Student interest will be taken into consideration in deciding what additional topics to cover. In this tutorial we'll closely examine a series of contemporary and historical cases of human experimentation (roughly, one case per week) with an eye toward elucidating the moral norms that ought to govern human subjects research. Wilfrid Sellars regarded as uncontroversial the view that it is "an attempt to see how things, in the broadest possible sense of the term, hang together in the broadest possible sense of the term." The abstract philosophical question before us is, what are animals such that they can be all these things? In this course we'll examine several influential attempts to provide a rational foundation for morality, along with Nietzsche's wholesale rejection of these efforts. But is the best conclusion we can come to with respect to our intellectual endeavors that skepticism always carries the day and that nothing at all is true? Is that principle of organization justifiable or not? We will then turn to a variety of more recent attempts to give a clear characterization of causation. What, if anything, justifies our scientific knowledge? [more], Early philosophy of language focused on meaning of assertions, denials and descriptions. If there are such things--we'll call them propositions--what are they like? Further, even where there is agreement as to the proper way of answering epistemological questions, there is a stunning variety of possible answers to each question. We conclude by considering the relation between first and third person studies of the mind, focusing on the concept of the embodied mind as a fruitful bridge between these different traditions. Are we justified in believing in God? We will analyze and discuss various accounts of scientific method, structure and justification of scientific theories, scientific choice, change, and the idea that scientific knowledge is progressive in a cumulative way. On the other hand, there is a heap of sand in my backyard. On the sports field? Cy Walsh has asked a court to allow him to be released back into the community unsupervised, six years after stabbing his AFL coach father to death in a frenzied attack.. Phil Walsh, 55, was head . Are we legitimately bound by a social contract? If so, what are the constraints on good revisions? This tutorial aims to provide students with the skills necessary for careful, serious and thorough reading of Wittgenstein's later philosophy. B. Lipscomb before the first meeting, preferably over the summer. In this way, we come to appreciate the importance of considering the biology on which mental processes are based and the light that this approach throws on the nature of consciousness. More particularly, it concerns itself with the difference between good and bad reasoning, between strong and weak arguments. Fanon ushered in the decolonial turn in critical theory, a move calling on those both within and outside of Europe to challenge the coloniality of the age and to forge a new vision of politics in the postcolonial period. The answer is not merely that they ask the question, "What gives meaning to a human life?" [more], Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951) is probably the greatest philosopher of the 20th century. The aim of this course is to explore and evaluate a number of rival conceptions of persons and personal identity over time. If time permits, we may also look at how the figure of Socrates has been thought about in the works of more modern thinkers. [more], Much like the construction of medical knowledge itself, it is from specific cases that general principles of biomedical ethics arise and are systematized into a theoretical framework, and it is to cases they must return, if they are to be both useful and comprehensible to those making decisions within the biomedical context. Is there a room for the notion of collective intention in filmmaking? How can we ensure that AI's will act morally? We will then turn to contemporary controversies such as campus free speech. [more], The aim of the course is to survey, analyze and discuss many varieties of relativism--semantic, epistemic, ontological and moral--from Plato's Theaetetus to contemporary social constructivism. The millennia old problem of whether human suffering is compatible with God's perfection is called "the problem of evil." Critical theory aims not merely to understand the "struggles and wishes of the age" as Marx one described it, but with emancipation from domination. Moreover, the ethical issues that are implicated in responses to the pandemic reflect the range of those manifested across the field of public health as a whole. Pleasure? Our readings will include the relevant works of Plato, Sextus Empiricus, Carnap, Quine, Davidson, Goodman, Elgin, Hacking, Krausz, Foot, and Williams, among others. The objective is the presentation and writing of a senior essay (maximum 40 pages). The tragedians emphasize the ways in which the cosmos and our role in it resists any attempt to be understood, and emphasize the ways in which the success or failure of our lives often turns on things completely beyond our control. No one can have an adequate understanding of western intellectual history without some familiarity with the Greeks, and we might think that an understanding of our intellectual history can deepen our understanding of our own situation. Hence, being with others, being dependent on others, is regarded as a key structuring feature of human existence. To do this, we will need to become familiar with key ethical theories; think deeply about such concepts as privacy, paternalism and autonomy, exploitation, cost-benefit analysis and justice; and compare the function of these concepts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic with the way they work in responses to other public health concerns. But how often do we ask: What is freedom? What differentiates today from yesterday? Should we revise logic in light of empirical discoveries in, for example, physics or psychology? Are we capable of disinterested altruism, or are we motivated solely by self-interest? [more], This course will explore the themes of alienation, fetishism, ideology, dialectic, sociality, and freedom in the philosophical writings of G.W.F. Much of the moral philosophy produced in Greece and Rome remains as relevant today as when it was written. We will then turn to some specific social forms in the second unit, and ask whether they promote or preclude our freedom. It is difficult, however, to get clear on the relation between the meaning of an expression and its reference. We will examine several different approaches in depth, including realism, constructivism, expressivism, and skepticism. How important are honor, money, love, work, friendship and our connections to others to our happiness? Secondly, we will try to make sense of the moral dimensions of our relationship to animals. Questions include: Does the world decide the truth and falsity of all our beliefs? The seminar will be structured around a close, critically engaged reading of the Confessions (in English translation) and will give attention to its historical context and significance as well as to its philosophical and theological ideas. The millennia old problem of whether human suffering is compatible with God's perfection is called "the problem of evil." About 3,000 people flocked to an Adelaide Crows training session as the emotional aftermath to the death of coach Phil Walsh continues. We will begin with Washington's classic article "Industrial Education for the Negro" and DuBois' classic "The Talented Tenth". We will then discuss philosophies of science which emerged out of various criticisms of this view - especially those of Popper, Lakatos, Kuhn and Feyerabend - and the challenges to the assumptions of scientific objectivity and rationality their works provoked. to the structure of arguments for and against relativism, as well as to the philosophical motivations and perceived consequences of its endorsement or rejection. Edited by John . [more], Socrates was executed in 399 BCE on the charges of impiety and corruption of the youth of Athens. However, few (haters gonna hate) would say that the expression has a referent. Leibniz wrote his New Essays in 1704 as a critical response to Locke's Essay of 1690. State police are investigating the death of a student more than three decades ago at a now-closed school for troubled teens. In the first part of the course, we will read Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations, one of the greatest books ever written. Phil Walsh played 122 games for Collingwood, Richmond and the Brisbane Bears between 1983 and 1990. argument, the cosmological argument, the teleological argument, the argument from religious experience, and the argument from evil). In the spirit of reconciliation the AFL acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. Topics will range from consideration of "mundane" technologies such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), prenatal genetic screening and testing, and surrogacy, to the more extraordinary, possibly including pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), post-menopausal reproduction, and post-mortem gamete procurement. What is the nature of language? Some of the questions we will consider are: Are moral standards relative to cultural frameworks? We shall first explore the salient features of the pragmatic approaches to language, paying special attention to Austin's notion of illocutionary force and Grice's notion of non-natural meaning. They help us ask: What is freedom? Of particular interest will be the extent to which discourse dynamics are built into the meanings of linguistic expressions vs. the extent to which they're consequences of our rational cognition. DuBois engaged in a great debate about the nature of education. Of particular interest will be the extent to which discourse dynamics are built into the meanings of linguistic expressions vs. the extent to which they're consequences of our rational cognition. We will begin by reading some of Plato's early dialogues and his Republic. In this course, we will survey the ethics of public health through the lens of the COVID-19 pandemic, investigating concepts and arguments that are central to the ethics of public health research and practice. We will spend the balance of the semester coming to grips with Plato's arguments in the later dialogues. [more], Although Kant initially planned for his magnum opus to comprise theoretical and practical chapters, his metaphysics and epistemology take up all of his Critique of Pure Reason while his ethics is spread out over a series of works--Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, Critique of Practical Reason, Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason, and The Metaphysics of Morals. Messing with People: The Ethics of Human Experimentation. [more], Our goal will be to determine how far reason can justify belief in God. For example, we will examine the ethics of disease surveillance, treatment and vaccine research, resource allocation and rationing, compulsion and voluntariness in public health measures, and social determinants of health outcomes, among other topics. Whether this is hyperbole or wise prognostication, it cannot be denied that the rise of AI will be a tectonic shift for culture, technology, and our fundamental sense of ourselves. Other questions are pressing and immediate: Artificial intelligence techniques are used today to help decide whether someone gets a bank loan, is eligible to be released on bail, or in need of particular medical treatment. Initial tutorial meetings will focus on theoretical materials that will background later discussions and will include classic readings from the environmental ethics literature (e.g., Leopold, Taylor, Rolston). Is film today really distinct from a number of new, emerging visual media? Why do we seek to experience through film fear and anguish that we avoid in our daily lives? Diamond investigated the methodology of moral philosophy, paying special attention to the role of literature. In order to hit the ground running, students will be expected to read The Women Are Up to Something: How Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley, and Iris Murdoch Revolutionized Ethics by Benjamin J. Others maintain that these questions will only yield to methods that incorporate our broader insight into the nature of the world including, perhaps, feminist thought or science. You are very likely to be offended by some of the art we discuss. as resources to be harvested, as testing grounds for science, and as religious sacrifice. View Phil Walsh's email address (p*****@kw***.com) and phone number. Critical theorists regard philosophy as social and ideology critique. We will see how a focus on language affects our understanding of many traditional philosophical questions, ranging from epistemology and metaphysics to aesthetics and ethics. Philosophy? Is democratic rule always best? In this course we will investigate the the broad topics of consciousness and thought by surveying the many approaches to mind that yield the contemporary debates. Thus, Plato described the philosopher as "the one who beholds all Time and all Being." Second, we will engage in some current philosophical debates concerning the concept of freedom in metaphysics, ethics, and political philosophy. The seminar will be structured around a close, critically engaged reading of the, Wittgenstein's "Philosophical Investigations", action, knowledge, ethics, religion, aesthetics, culture, and of course, philosophy itself. To do this we will explore topics that might traditionally be considered "women's issues" in healthcare, such as medicine and body image (e.g., cosmetic surgery, eating disorders), reproductive and genetic technologies, and research on women and their health care needs. A person incapable of loyalty is often characterized as fickle, cold, self-serving and sometimes even pathological. In this tutorial we will read from Ancient, modern and contemporary philosophical sources as well several relevant studies in the social sciences and positive psychology movement in order to engage questions concerning happiness. He had also worked at the Eagles for 5 years and was close A lesson from the tragic death of Phil Walsh Read More In this tutorial, we will investigate the nature of skepticism and the varieties of relativism it encourages. Authors will include Plato, Anselm, Aquinas, Pascal, Paley, Hume, Kant, Kierkegaard, and several contemporary philosophers. The real question, then, seems to be whether, and how, free choice is possible amidst all of these influences. What kind of work is that, and how is it accomplished? The philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome were among the first thinkers to develop rigorous arguments in response to such musings. THE SON of Adelaide coach Phil Walsh has appeared at a bedside court hearing in a psychiatric ward, charged with stabbing his father to death. What is it for a sentence or a proposition to be true? For each argument, we will first look at historically important formulations and then turn to contemporary reformulations. There will be a series of short response papers in which you provide a careful analysis of particular arguments in our texts. Do we have any control over our emotions? Firstly, we will try to understand the mental lives of non-human animals. Dean's Office. questions will be: What makes a thinker an "Existentialist"? Although it has influenced both analytic and continental philosophy, pragmatism is a powerful third philosophical movement. Why do we seek to experience through film fear and anguish that we avoid in our daily lives? "Our industry is grieving today, and we send our love and support to the Walsh family, the Crows staff and players, Phil's wider circle of friends, the other clubs he worked with, and his many colleagues across the AFL," he said. Some maintain that these issues are solely the provinces of philosophy, using traditional a priori methods. While Plato and Aristotle differ on many points, they share the belief that the cosmos and the human place within it can be understood by rational means. Finally, is there a reason for philosophy of film and film theory to exist as a separate field? Emerging visual media or psychology, love, work, friendship and our connections to others to our happiness very! 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