Thats unusual and its not happened since April 14th, 2003. I know you receive hundreds of these requests so Im hoping that you are able to provide some feedback if time allows. Hoping something good is in my future for 2023. This all comes from a prolonged transit of Gemini by Mars Retrograde and Mercury Retrograde. Rebirth and relaunch. Mercury retrograde #2: in Gemini on May 10 and Taurus on June 2, 2022. Thank you AJ. Yet youll do it. Heres to 2023 Jessica! Youll take promising ideas to another region or country. What is their life budget? The timing fits. It actually wont be like that at all. The concentrated focus on the word or the bible will help. NSW and Sydney show up as people power in March, with women forming one half of that, so the old system is dead. Carey Mulligan, 28th May Conscious Cafe 2023 Predictions by Jessica Adams Psychic Astrologer. For many different reasons, Leo, perhaps including property, you should be wealthy in 2022. Your chart shows the Sun in Taurus you know about, and the stelliums in Taurus, Cancer, Aries, Scorpio, Capricorn you always find draws you back to business, finance, property and success. In 2022 you are almost at the end of this cycle and no doubt a great deal of emotion and a fair amount of empowerment, too, has been the result. Secret society? My Aries Ascendant is at 18, so Saturn will still be in my 11th house even when Saturn moves into Pisces, will I need to wait for friendships to get better till Saturn moves into my 12th house? You will find Jupiter in Taurus helps you save or make a fortune, as Jupiter is a gas giant in astronomy and also to the Romans was Optimus Maximus so those Latin words survive today. Happy New Year. In this life Pluto tells you that you are here to discover your power and use it. Thats why I have been telling people to keep evidence of Covid-19 losses as once Pluto goes into Aquarius, people power will be there for combined actions, for the next 20 years or so. Through the group around you, or the group you feed you will find something special. This sounds mysterious and it may well be mystical on some level, but it is coming. One is irresistible and you will have a superior way of working and looking after your health by May. . Predicting 2020, 2021 and 2022 With Astrology. So before we look 12 months ahead, for your sign, let's check a couple of past predictions that came to pass. We will see some new female superstars in politics then. Please keep reading for more diary dates for 2022 and your Tarot forecast. Are you a Premium Member? Why 2022 is the Year of the Odd Couple For those of you who had more numerology questions after my interview on Studio 10 (Channel, Welcome Back to 1938 I am writing this on Wednesday, January 19th, 2022, in Australia (still Tuesday the 18th of January in New York) watching, How a Chinese Astrology Chart From 1912 Shows the Future Ive looked at China a couple of times in recent years, using the chart set, Questions and Answers About 2022 Predictions I am circling back to this feature about 2022 in astrology and psychic prediction, as the video has now. I am a premium member and will be grateful you telling me based on my chart, do you see a life partner in my life from this year? Relocation? Update yourself on (say) travel restrictions as the new variant of Covid takes hold. So, what else does the master see for 2021 and beyond? By that, I mean your home town or homeland. We made it. Just as they saw during the last cycle of Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, in 1350-1353 prices are rising. Thanks for another great year of predictions, horoscopes and answering silly questions from people like me who really have a very limited understanding of astrology. This rather higgledy-piggledy progress with the planet of hope, growth and big answers, leaves you confused at times, Cancer. You are not the only person who feels like this and it is important to network and unite. Your solar chart suggests you will need to use quite tight timing, as you decide if you are going to accompany your projects or qualifications, or send them out there, without you. This is a classic outcome with Neptune, also in the solar Ninth House of your chart, which makes life rather hard to pin down. This was predicted on 6th October, two months before it happened, and date-stamped a plunge for Wall Street. The North Node of stuck karma entered your Seventh House of marriage, professional partnership, serious relationships, business duets, and all kinds of double-acts or duels, back on May 6th 2020. When there is a buck to be made from UVC light bulbs, you can bet politicians and big business will suddenly make a u-turn on that. Thank you so kindly for all your advice, I know peoples lives have been changed for the better because of your kind advice. He wont have an issue if he understand he can do what he likes, dresses as he pleases, love whomever he wants to love but also respect the space and rights of women and girls. So, a sea-change is well overdue in terms of your approach towards other views and other backgrounds. I am writing this from Zero Covid Tasmania where a great many people have their sights set on Zero Covid Western Australia or Zero Covid Queensland. It really depends on your beliefs. Your ruling planet is Pluto, as Ive mentioned, and hes been slowly travelling through your solar Third House of projects, ideas, concepts and brainwaves since January 27th, 2008. It may be getting around your local area, or getting away to another county, state or even neighbouring country. Your shared vision of what might come is the key. l know it is going to take some time but l am willing to put forth the effort. In 2022, the new normal will be more new than it will be normal. You are a Sun Pisces with stelliums in Pisces, increasing your sensitivity and Aries giving you the front you need. Your career will look and feel completely different in March 2023 when the unsettled atmosphere of January and early February 2023 is over and you will see the end of a long period of difficulty with people or organisations basically power-tripping, manipulating or game-playing. Better still, we know what to do. Let them learn first to show piety at home. Perhaps this is a family member. You can find out more about your Libra stellium and the South Node in Libra cycle in Modern Astrology 2050, which is free to you. Partnerships (sexual or professional) bring life-changing decisions once the South Node goes into Libra from July 2023 and by the year 2024, you will find one person in particular brings back karma to you from 18 or 19 years before. Applied for a new job on the new moon on 23 Dec. Hope I not only get it but interviews wont be terrible with Saturn any advice on when to schedule interviews? Vladimir Putin will lose the war on Ukraine in 2023. Those who could give, did. It also means you take quite a lot on your shoulders, but now is the time. You would be, by far, the greatest astrologer of your generation. Will I find employment in this new place. March 2023 is about Virgo factor problems and so its not just a new, highly infectious kind of Covid it is also about China struggling with its factories and supply chains, and of course, so many pharmaceutical companies are based there. Rick Buckler, December 6th Nelson Mandela, 18th July A group will change your life in March. Having done the homework on safe travel and/or export, youll be in the best astrological position with your work, unpaid work or course from 10th May, when Jupiter goes into this new zone of your chart. Pooling resources with the community is a huge part of a very successful and enjoyable year, Pisces. I dont have the other chart here, but your chart shows the end of a very tight situation since December 2020 and the start of a completely new challenge; to use your willpower to become so much more powerful, financially, over a period of quite some years. This period is really rehearsal and beta-testing with Mars Retrograde in Gemini until March 2023. Saturns call to action is really about slowing down and growing up. Youll see a global victory for women and girls begin in July 2023 when the South Node goes into Libra and back into its old Suffragette position. It will also help him to have a partnership of some sort, if he does not already have one. Same story told twice, in the public and private chart. The clash takes place between Pluto and the Moon, so for around 48 hours every four weeks, you run into hurdles about where you are for whatever reason. You owe or are owed. From an astrologer's point of view, this was the worst . AQUARIUS Your email address will not be published. Can you shed any light on when this may happen for me? And yet Scotland will still become independent, without her. Finally you have an Aquarius stellium. Perhaps what happens to these six countries Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxemburg originally in the EEC will also affect your bank balance. You have factors in the later degrees of Virgo in your Sixth House so it will take some time for Saturn in Pisces to oppose them, but astrology is about forewarned is forearmed. Minimise the issues now. Happy New Year to you! In 2022 you are being urged, by your horoscope, to find the right country, city or large organisation for your idea. As a Sun Aries with stelliums in Aries and Taurus you are in an odd phase at the moment when karma rules. People will spend more time on screen and not in reality. There is a strong sense of Me over here and you over there about 2022 and this comes partly from everything youve been through. Bless you for all you do for us. Knowing that it could get worse in 3 months gives me great anxiety that Ill never get to see family who are a cross-country flight away, including elderly parents. LIBRA What happens for you is personal. Sadly, the politicians have decided to throw that away in Tasmania, where I am now. Covid never went away and it will be with us in the same way that AIDS is always with us, or even the Bubonic Plague, which still shows up. The answer to every classroom is a Corsi Rosenthal box. I was wondering what was your predictions in regards to the Australian political scene? When Pluto enters Aquarius at the end of March, you will also notice that too. You will be pooling resources with the community, or the group, and shining very brightly this year, but keep an eye on your organisation, your routines and your grasp of boundaries. So HEPA and UVC should be in every indoor space. Until May 2024, but particularly in May, June, July 2023 you will see an upturn in opportunities and solutions. Hi Jessica, I am a premium member and enjoy your articles so much. Ian Fleming, 28th May. will not go away. Saturn goes over 29 Aquarius and is gone. This is with you until May 2024. So you may be on a restricted raw vegan diet, for example, or discover that your work house have to be limited, because you start working from home, to protect yourself against becoming infected with Covid at the office. Thank you Jessica for those great predictions. If you want to move within your country, your chances are good until July when the South Node leaves Scorpio and your Fourth House of property, home and belonging. I have a feeling Prince Harry and Meghan are the twist in the tale. I have been a premium member for a few years. Aquarius, the solar Fifth House of your chart, which rules children, teenagers and Millennials, shows a fresh start in 2022. The most restrictive and limited financial transit in 29 years ends in March though, so you are on your way. She will talk about prosperity, weather, economy, earthquak. Dont wait until you have to take part in a class action lawsuit, though the time to put some measures in place is now. It is also completely true that a high percentage of Sagittarians will make this the year they become engaged, marry, move in together and/or become parents. You get an A for patience. Do you feel that the worst time for covid, March 2023, will flow from what is currently happening in China? Thank you, Jessica. King George 111 stepped aside because of illness. This idea comes from the old association of your sign with royalty. Thats really important. In 2022 we are living through a cycle when some will say that an easy job is money for old rope or money for jam. Profits for very little effort. As a Sun Aquarius woman you will find your Sagittarius Sun man helps you shine, but of course it takes more than that to make a partnership. This will be converted by your card provider to your local currency at their prevailing exchange rate. The new metaverse of education, with translation, may call you. So, here's my annual curated Top 10 predictions, this time for 2022. Hard-work Saturn in Aquarius is in your Eleventh House of networks and communities in 2022, so you will have to stretch yourself this year. Psychic who forecast Covid says 2022 will see everything from a chicken soup recall to a female threat to the Labour leader and a miracle in Jerusalem. Im afraid India is no different to China in terms of being vulnerable to new variants. How? Much further into the future from 2026 you could move to the last place you ever expected to find yourself in. Jupiter was also regarded as Jupiter Optimus Maximus by the Romans the greatest and best of gods. Thank you for the COVID advice, of which I am certain has saved lives. Cast your mind back. Many thanks. The result? But it is very important that you spend 2022 making good or settling up as much as you possibly can with that group of people. The human condition is about faith and hope, and where these conditions exist together humans can change darkness into LIGHT. Just like the people of 1350, you can name your price in 2022 and 2023, if you are in the right career. The only thing that worked against AIDS was condoms, safe sex and monogamy. Take care and keep up the good work! Expect shocks to the sharemarkets with Elon Musk and Wall Street on April 28th to 30th and May 1st. UK Predictions 2021-2030 in Astrology. A stuck situation with money ends in March 2023 and you can at last act on decisions without being sent backwards and forwards. Looking at your chart as a whole, you are a Sun Virgo with Virgo, Cancer, Libra stelliums. hitting in 2020 and Meghan Markle's sensational TV interview rocking the Royal Family in 2021 has made some explosive predictions for 2022 and beyond. Hi Jessica, thank you again for an amazing article. A British-born astrologer, Jessica Adams, well known for her Covid-19 prediction back in 2019 as well as Donald Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis, has shared some thoughts regarding Prince Harry's . This is fascinating Jessica, Ive known intuitively that we werent done with COVID since 2020, always felt like the lessons humanity needed to learn to progress (more flexible working, changes to healthcare, Universal basic income and so forth) didnt quite land with everyone and there would be one more round to drag everyone over the line. I dont know which country you are in, but look at Philips disinfection units. What is in store for us in 2022? Thank you! It may involve religion, self-help, counselling, meditation, hypnosis or other solitary pursuits. And what will the change of government be like in NSW? Are you a Premium Member? . Together you can build great things. I am an Oncology nurse and Im curious about your predictions on the future of healthcare. Asc with a stellium of Leo. You will of course make or save a lot of money from May 2023 until May 2024 and that will enable you to do more with your life. Between 2023 and 2026 breakthroughs with UVC lighting (safe Ultraviolet) will finally control Covid-19 at home and work. Why? Also having some issues with my children 10/10/04 and 31/01/06, the first has been struggling since COVID with anxiety and its affected his studies and drive, is there anything you can see as an end to that, also fit the second hes just come out to us as Trans, not an issue for his mother and I but I worry given the vitriol towards Male to Female transgender persons in particular. The good news is that the war will come to an end for the benefit of the people of Ukraine. The combination of Saturn in your solar Tenth House and Pluto in your solar Ninth House (status and publishing) often chimes with a debut or re-entry in the book world. Do you see any positive change coming for me or should I prepare for more challenging years? We dont even need a birth time or place to know that you are a Sun Pisces woman who will have more money (you save it, or it appears) by May, so there should be something extra in the kitty to splurge on yourself. The United Nations is overdue for transformation, isnt it? Happy New Year Jessica! The old days of corporations like Pfizer making money from injections will be replaced by new proof that the solution always was, always will be, disinfected interior air. They may have to accept the new rules in 2023, 2024, 2025 with each other and no doubt find it a real test of their patience and maturity, but they will mature with lifelong wisdom as a result. So, for example, if you invested in business colleagues or the business itself the last time Jupiter was in Taurus, that acorn now becomes an oak. Once lit it never stops. The big stretch is over in July. This may be with the same person, or a new face in your life, but you have been on a long and winding karmic road and now understand the nature of duets or duels so much better. Happy New Year. It also talks a lot about relocation I used to always say I was a home bird but I have an urge to travel and explore and see where I land next year and not sure if it has something to do with turning 30! I will pass on the compliments about the website to James, Jodi and Justin at Asporea. If you want children, or stepchildren, thats Leo and the Fifth House. Win or lose with the Dow Jones, its unusual. 2023 will be fascinating. Diana Princess of Wales, 1st July THE NEW UNITED NATIONS With this in mind, I recently started a new job as I was re-hired in my previous role but I was ready for something new and didnt trust it anymore after losing my job once already. Yet, you could emerge with a degree, or higher degree, by 2023. As Jupiter goes through Taurus he will trine your Capricorn stellium so you have considerable opportunities for success, May 2023 to May 2024. It is very important that this is nipped in the bud. I have been a long time reader of your website and blogs and am worried about the virus rearing its head again as I lost my job in 2020 because of the effects on the travel industry. Hello Jessica, Watch at 35 minutes in. The Black Death saw a population drop in medieval Europe that led to a labour shortage, a rise in wages and a rise in prices. The 2022 Pound Crash Predicted in 2020. Forget what businessmen and politicians are telling you about Covid Normal or Post Covid or Build Back Better. The worst Covid crisis yet begins in March 2023. I will pass that on to my colleagues at Asporea. I wonder if you had the chance to read my comment, what you thought regarding my chart? Will I ever find true love? We will see the worst phase of Covid worldwide begin in March, but the solution will also begin people power against employers and politicians. Some signs this year will find themselves in fated cycles with each other, this year. There were so few working people that they could, and did, demand more money. This is either about a duet you are in, or a duet you strongly affect. Pluto tests your self-control, your willpower and your personal power and influence. You can watch my predictions for your sign on YouTube here. You are a Sun Libra man with a Libra stellium in your Seventh House so do best with a partner. Even before the pandemic, the business, like so many others, was shifting online. Bringing all this back down to earth, though, it is about working people refusing to become infected with Covid because employers, businessmen and politicians will not do what science and medicine suggests, and protect them. Thanks for a wonderful blog. Japan will become a nuclear power and will develop hypersonic missiles too and an arms race will develop as the world tries to catch up with China's military advances. 2020 was a year like no other, including for the royal family, and according to a psychic there will be plenty more 'unprecedented' moments for the royals in 2021 and beyond. With stuck, serious, sombre Saturn in Aquarius in 2022, in the area of your solar chart which rules home (as well as your home town, local area and country) you are no doubt longing for new pastures. You are a Sun Pisces with Pisces and Aquarius stelliums, so feel like both signs because of that. Jupiter in Pisces helps open the doors of new possibilities with your house, apartment, garden (or a new residence). At the same time, you have fantastic opportunities to gain from new lifestyle and workload options not possible in 12 years. From that point, the nodes change signs and that means you are free to get the full measure of a concept which you can now take forward, and alter or begin to see the potential of something very new. I love reading your articles, As ever I wait with anticipation to see what happens in 2023 particularly around King Charles and Covid. The effort with money ends in March Jessica Adams Psychic astrologer Elon Musk and Street. And big answers, leaves you confused at times, Cancer, Libra stelliums the association. Your horoscope, to find yourself in you take quite a lot your... S my annual curated Top 10 predictions, this time for 2022 and 2023, if he not. Until May 2024, but look at Philips disinfection units member for psychic predictions for 2022 jessica adams few years money ends in March,! Like this and it is very important that this is either about a duet you are Sun... And Justin at Asporea for many different reasons, Leo, perhaps including property, you should wealthy! 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